Purchase schedule authorizations

Suppliers ship purchase schedule items based on the requirement type. The Firm requirement type, however, can deviate from the earlier received Planned requirement type.

If you use authorizations, before the Firm requirement type is communicated, a buyer gives a supplier permission to fabricate goods or to buy raw materials up to a certain quantity level. The essence of an authorization is that you bear the risk if you do not need the goods. In other words, you must pay for the fabrication and/or raw materials, whether or not the goods are actually required.


The following types of authorizations are available:

To use authorizations, take the following steps:

  1. Select the Authorizations check box in the Purchase Contract Line Logistic Data (tdpur3102m000) session and/or the Item - Purchase Business Partner (tdipu0110m000) session.
  2. If you want to give a FAB authorization, define a FAB period in the FAB Period field of the Purchase Contract Line Logistic Data (tdpur3102m000) session and/or the Item - Purchase Business Partner (tdipu0110m000) session.
  3. If you want to give a RAW authorization, define a RAW period in the RAW Period field of the Purchase Contract Line Logistic Data (tdpur3102m000) session and/or the Item - Purchase Business Partner (tdipu0110m000) session.

In the FAB/RAW Authorizations (tdpur3534m000) session, you can view the various authorizations for a specific purchase schedule.

Authorizations for the schedule are updated in the FAB/RAW Authorizations (tdpur3534m000) session as soon as:

  • The authorizations and cumulatives are reset in the Reset Cumulatives (tdpur3230m000) session.
  • A purchase release receives the Sent status. As a result, most of the fields in the FAB/RAW Authorizations (tdpur3534m000) session are defaulted from the Purchase Release - Lines (tdpur3121m000) session.

Authorizations are used only for non-referenced schedules that are sent to the supplier in a material release.

Calculating FAB and RAW authorizations for push schedules

FAB and RAW authorizations are calculated from the schedule issue date.

  • FAB Authorization
    Required CUM on the schedule issue date + requirements of released schedule lines for which no receipts are booked yet on the schedule issue date + sum of all schedule requirements that fall into the FAB period.
  • RAW Authorization
    Required CUM on the schedule issue date + requirements of released schedule lines for which no receipts are booked yet on the schedule issue date + sum of all schedule requirements that fall into the RAW period.
Calculating FAB and RAW authorizations for pull-forecast schedules

FAB and RAW authorizations are calculated from the current date.

  • FAB Authorization
    Required CUM on the current date + requirements of released schedule lines for which no receipts are booked yet on the current date + sum of all schedule requirements that fall into the FAB period.
  • RAW Authorization
    Required CUM on the current date + requirements of released schedule lines for which no receipts are booked yet on the current date + sum of all schedule requirements that fall into the RAW period.
  • The pull forecast schedule retrieves the required CUM from the pull call-off schedule, as stored in the Required Cumulatives (tdpur3130m000) session.
  • For pull forecast schedules, you cannot use the schedule issue date to calculate the FAB and RAW authorizations, because pull call-off schedules are not released based on schedule issue date. If you use the schedule issue date, several call-off schedule lines can be excluded from the FAB and RAW calculation, because of the short horizon of these schedule lines.

    Therefore, the current date is used, which can be one of the following:

    • The date on which release lines are generated in the Generate Release Lines (tdpur3222m000) session.
    • The date on which a release is updated, which you can perform by clicking Update Release on the appropriate menu of the Purchase Release Line - Details (tdpur3522m000) session.
    • The date on which a release is rebuilt, which you can perform by selecting the Rebuild Release check box in the Approve Release Lines (tdpur3222m100) session.
Example Authorization
Requirement typeTime period
Firm01/01 - 15/01
Planned15/01 --->


  • The time period from 01/01 - 15/01 contains real orders. The delivery is certain.
  • For the time period from 15/01 - 01/02, you can give, for instance, a FAB authorization.
  • For the time period from 01/02 - 15/02, you can give, for instance, a RAW authorization.
Example High authorization
periodFAB authorizationHigh FAB authorizationSchedule issue date
15/1 - 1/21001001/1
15/1 - 1/21501505/1
15/1 - 1/212515010/1



The period during which high authorizations are valid, is calculated from the current CUM reset date through the moment the CUM reset date is reset in the Reset Cumulatives (tdpur3230m000) session.

Sometimes an authorization must be adjusted. In this case, the highest authorization that is given to the buy-from business partner for the specific period is valid. In other words, the buyer must pay the highest authorized quantity for the specific period.