Delete Not-Used Planned Delivery Moments (tdipu0226m000)

Use this session to delete for shipment based schedules and/or receipt based schedules, planned delivery moments that are no longer used.

If you want to delete delivery moments for shipment based purchase schedules, select the Delete Shipment Based Delivery Moments check box. As a result, LN deletes shipment based delivery moments from the Planned Delivery Moments (Shipment Based) (tdipu0125m000) session.

If you want to delete delivery moments for receipt based purchase schedules, select the Delete Receipt Based Delivery Moments check box. As a result, LN deletes receipt based delivery moments from the Planned Delivery Moments (Delivery Based) (tdipu0126m000) session.

f you click Delete, the following occurs within the selection you made:

  • All planned delivery moments (shipment based and/or receipt based) that fall before the current date are deleted.
  • All planned delivery moments (shipment based and/or receipt based) that are no longer linked to a combination as stored in the Delivery Patterns by Warehouse / BP / Item (tdipu0124m000) session, are deleted.

Because, for lead-time offsetting, Enterprise Planning does not use old delivery moments, it is advisable to run this session regularly.


Delete Shipment Based Delivery Moments
If this check box is selected, planned delivery moments for shipment based purchase schedules are deleted from the Planned Delivery Moments (Shipment Based) (tdipu0125m000) session.
Delete Receipt Based Delivery Moments
If this check box is selected, planned delivery moments for receipt based purchase schedules are deleted from the Planned Delivery Moments (Delivery Based) (tdipu0126m000) session.