MPNs by Item - Business Partner (tdipu0148m000)

Use this session to view, enter, and maintain MPN-item-business partner combinations. In this session, you specify which manufacturer part numbers (MPNs) can be delivered by which business partners for an item.

On the appropriate menu, you can choose:

  • Import MPNs by Item - Business Partner, to start the Import MPNs by Item - Business Partner (tdipu0248m000) session in which you can import all MPNs that are linked to an item.
  • Set Preferred MPN in MPNs by Item - Business Partner Data, to set the MPN as the preferred MPN for the item and buy-from business partner.
  • Clear Preferred MPN in MPNs by Item - Business Partner Data, to remove the MPN as the preferred MPN for the item and buy-from business partner.

MPN set generation is based on the data available in this session.

If no MPNs are specified for an item-business partner combination, the business partner can deliver all MPNs of an item.


The item that is linked to the MPN and buy-from business partner.
Buy-from BP
The buy-from business partner that is linked to the MPN and item.
Manufacturer Part Number
The manufacturer part number (MPN) that is linked to the item and buy-from business partner.
The manufacturer that is linked to the manufacturer part number (MPN) for the item.
Preferred Manufacturer Part Number
If this check box is selected, this is the preferred manufacturer part number (MPN) for the item and buy-from business partner.

The preferred manufacturer part number in this session overrules the Preferred Manufacturer Part Number from the Manufacturer Part Numbers (tdipu0145m000), Items by MPN (tdipu0149m000), or tem - Purchase (tdipu0101m000) sessions.


Set Preferred MPN in MPNs by Item - Business Partner Data
Sets the MPN as the preferred MPN for the item and buy-from business partner.
Clear Preferred MPN in MPNs by Item - Business Partner Data
Removes the MPN as the preferred MPN for the item and buy-from business partner.
Import MPNs by Item - Business Partner