Price Used for Margin Control

  • Sales Price of Item

    The base price for (price) margin control is based on the sales price for the item, as defined in the Item - Sales (tdisa0501m000) session.

  • Rec. Retail Price of Item

    The base price for (price) margin control is based on the recommended retail price for the item, as defined in the Item - Sales (tdisa0501m000) session.

  • Acc. to Price Structure

    The base price for (price) margin control is based on the selling price found after a search in the Pricing module.

  • Cost Price of Item

    The base price for (price) margin control is based on the standard cost price, as defined in the Items - Costing (ticpr0107m000) session. If this option is chosen, (price) margins work in the same way as gross margins.