Release Commissions/Rebates to Invoicing (tdcms2201m000)

Use this session to:

Both the reserved and unreserved commissions and rebates with the Ready status can be released to invoicing.

  • When you release a commission line to Accounts Payable, the line immediately receives the Closed status. As a result, LN updates the Transaction Type and Invoice Number fields in the Relations by Invoice (tdcms2502m000) session.
  • When you release a rebate line to Invoicing, the line does not receive the Closed status immediately. After you release a rebate line to Invoicing, LN selects the Released to SLI(Rebate) check box in the Relations by Invoice (tdcms2502m000) session. You can now view the rebate invoicing data in the Invoice - Lines (cisli3605m000) session. As long as the invoice status is Confirmed, or On Hold in Invoicing, you can still update the rebate amount in the Rebates Calculated by Order (tdcms2550m000)/ Rebates Calculated by Relation (tdcms3550m000) sessions. When you finish the invoicing procedure by composing, printing and posting the invoice, LN creates an open entry in the Accounts Receivable module and sets the rebate status to Closed. As a result, LN updates the Transaction Type and Invoice Number fields in the Relations by Invoice (tdcms2502m000) session.
  • Depending on the values of the Paid Commissions to Employees Implemented and Generating Payments fields in the Commissions/Rebates Parameters (tdcms0100s000), payments are generated for commissions with a Closed status. Later, this data can be modified in the Commissions Paid to Employees by Relation (tdcms1151m000) session.

If you want to check the invoice data before it is released to Invoicing, you can print a draft invoice in the Print Draft Invoices for Rebates (tdcms2401m000) session.


Commissions to Accounts Payable
If this check box is selected, commissions are released to the Accounts Payable module.
Rebates to Central Invoicing
If this check box is selected, rebates are released to the Invoicing module.
Print Errors
If this check box is selected, all records for which the commissions or rebates cannot be released, are printed.

If this check box is cleared, no error report is printed.