Commission/Rebate Groups (tdcms0118m000)

Use this session to maintain commission/rebate groups.

Use the Print Commission/Rebate Groups (tdcms0418m000) session to print group information.


You cannot make any changes to the Type field if its value is used by the Item - Sales Defaults (tdisa0102s000) session or by the Item - Sales (tdisa0501m000) session. In these sessions, commission/rebate groups help define the group's agreements.


Comm./Rebate Grp
The commission group is used in commission agreements. The rebate group is used in rebate agreements.

The values for this field depend on the Commissions Implemented check box in the Commissions/Rebates Parameters (tdcms0100s000) session.

The type of the group.

Allowed values


If this check box is selected, text is linked to the commission/rebate group.

Click Text Editor to create, copy, select, or view the text.