Effectivity Unit (tcuef0102m000)

Use this session to define, maintain, and configure effectivity units.


On the tabs in the header you can define and/or maintain data with respect to the effectivity unit.

Effectivity Unit

On the Effectivity Unit tab, you can define or maintain an effectivity unit. An effectivity unit is linked to an item for which the Unit Effective End Item check box is selected in the Item - General (tcibd0101s000) session.


On the Prices tab, you can display and (re)calculate the estimated cost price of the effectivity unit. If you configure an effectivity unit by selecting requirements, the configuration can result in extra material for the item. Therefore, the estimated cost price for the effectivity unit can deviate substantially from the item's standard cost price.

If you finished configuring the effectivity unit, you can select the Configuration is ready check box on the Effectivity Unit tab. As a result, the estimated cost price of the effectivity unit is automatically calculated.

If you change and/or select requirements for the effectivity unit on a sales order line or a sales quotation line, you can click Calculate to calculate the estimated prices.

Sales Characteristics

If the effectivity unit is configured on a sales order line or a sales quotation line, information about the sold-to business partner, ship-to country, and ship-from warehouse from the sales order/quotation line is automatically entered on the Sales Characteristics tab.

In the Effectivity Unit Upgrade Price field, the amount that is added to the effectivity unit's sales price is displayed.


The effectivity unit takes effect at the date and time entered in the Effective Date field on the Date tab. You must first enter an effective date before you can save the effectivity-unit data. If you use Change Management in Object Data Management (ODM), LN enters the change order's effective date.


On the tabs, you can select requirements and/or process variables to configure an effectivity unit. The lines on the tab refer to the following sessions:


This lines on this tab refer to the Requirement - Effectivity Units (tcuef0107m000) session.

Effectivity Unit - Process Variables

The lines on this tab refer to the Effectivity Unit - Process Variables (tirou1114m000) session.

To configure effectivity units

To configure an effectivity unit, you can define or select an effectivity unit in the session header, and start the configuration by selecting the desired requirements on the Requirement tab. For more information, refer to To configure effectivity units.

You can also use this session to configure an effectivity unit on a sales order line, a sales quotation line, or a sales contract line in, respectively, the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session, the Sales Quotation Lines (tdsls1501m000) details session, or the Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000) details session. Carry out the following steps:

  1. Enter a unit effective item on a sales quotation line, sales order line, or sales contract line. If the Generate Effectivity Unit during Order Entry check box in the Unit Effectivity Parameters (tcuef0100s000) session is selected, a unique effectivity unit is generated and displayed in the Effectivity Unit field. If the Generate Effectivity Unit during Order Entry check box is cleared, a question is asked whether a new effectivity unit must be created.
  2. Click the Requirements button to start the Effectivity Unit (tcuef0102m000) session. The Cost Price Quantity is taken from the sales quotation line, the sales order line, or the sales contract line. An description for the effectivity unit is generated that includes the following:
    • The sales order number, the sales quotation number, or the sales contract number
    • A prefixed code: ORD for a sales order, QUO for a sales quotation, CON for a sales contract.
    • The sales order line number, the sales quotation line number, or the sales contract line number.
  3. Go to the Requirement tab in the Effectivity Unit (tcuef0102m000) session where you can select the requirement(s) that apply to the effectivity unit. You can manually select requirements, or you can click (Re-)Import Requirements on the appropriate menu to import a set of predefined requirements.

For more information, refer to Unit effectivity as a lean configurator in Sales.


Effectivity Unit
Effectivity Unit
A reference number, for example a sales order line or a project deliverable line, that is used to model deviations for a unit effective item.

If you choose Generate Effectivity Units from the appropriate menu in the Items - Effectivity Series (tcuef0101m000) session, LN generates the effectivity-unit numbers starting from the highest number already used.

You can also enter a description for the effectivity unit. If effectivity units are automatically generated, for example, in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) details session or the Items - Effectivity Series (tcuef0101m000) session, a description is automatically generated. If the effectivity unit is created on a sales order line, the description consists of the sales order number and the sales order line number. If the effectivity unit is created from the effectivity series, the description consist of the series code and the sequence number.


Effectivity unit number zero is used to indicate the standard configuration.

Effectivity Number Status
The effectivity unit's status. The status is Active when you save the data, independent of the change-order effectivity date.
An item that is ready to be delivered to a warehouse. An end item is produced at the end of a dangle routing (co-products and by-products) or a main routing.

The effectivity unit indicates that you have to do with one occurrence of the end item.

The item must be of one of the following types:

  • Purchased
  • Manufactured

An effectivity unit for an end item can only be generated automatically, if the Unit Effective End Item check box is selected for the item in the Item - General (tcibd0101s000) session.

Engineering Item
If this check box is selected, the item is an unit effective engineering item.
If this check box is selected, a text is present.
Effectivity Series Code
The unit series to which the effectivity unit belongs.
From Sequence Number
The first number of the series' sequence that is defined for the end item. Every effectivity unit has an effectivity unit code and a sequence number.
Sequence Number
The effectivity unit's sequence number in the series that is defined for the end item. Every effectivity unit has an effectivity unit code and a sequence number.
Configuration Ready
If this check box is selected, all desired requirements are selected for the unit effective item.
In Process by CHM
If this check box is selected, the effectivity unit is under change management control. If a change proposal is linked to the effectivity unit, and the change proposal has not yet been approved, LN selects this check box.

In the Change Management (CHM) module you can keep track of the effective and expiry dates of the effectivity unit according to a defined procedure.

Cost Price Quantity
The order quantity of the end item. The quantity can have an influence on the end item's cost price.

If the effectivity unit is created on a sales order line, the quantity in this field is equals the ordered quantity on the sales order line.

If the effectivity unit is created without a sales order, but directly in UEF, the quantity in this field equals the EOQ or the fixed order quantity.

Estimated Cost Price
The estimated cost price of the unit effectivity item, consisting of the material costs and the operation costs. If you specify an effectivity unit, it can mean that optional materials must be used for the item. Therefore, the estimated cost price can deviate substantially from the cost price of the standard item.
Estimated Material Price
The estimated material costs that is part of the estimated cost price.
Estimated Operation Costs
The estimated operation costs that is part of the estimated cost price.
Last Calculation Date
The last date that the estimated cost price was calculated.
Sales Characteristics
Sold-to Business Partner
Usually a customer's purchase department, the business partner who orders goods or services from your organization, that owns the configurations you maintain, or for whom you perform a project.

The agreement with the sold-to business partner can include the following:

  • Default price and discount agreements
  • Sales order defaults
  • Delivery terms
  • The related ship-to and invoice-to business partner

If the effectivity unit is used on a sales order line or quotation line, the sold-to business partner on the sales order or quotation is displayed in this field.

Ship-to Country
The country of the effectivity unit's delivery address.

If the effectivity unit is used on a sales order line or quotation line, the ship-to country on the sales order or quotation is displayed in this field.

Ship-from Warehouse
The warehouse from which the effectivity unit is shipped.

If the effectivity unit is used on a sales order line or quotation line, the ship-from warehouse on the sales order or quotation is displayed in this field.

Effectivity Unit Upgrade Price
The extra amount that is added to the sales price for a specific effectivity unit. The amount in this field can have two origins:
  • The amount can be the sum of the upgrade prices that are defined for requirements linked to the effectivity unit.
  • If no requirements are linked to the effectivity units, the amount can be user-defined.

A negative upgrade price can be considered as a discount on the sales price.

Effective Date
The effective date and time of the effectivity unit.

If you do not use Change Management (CHM) for effectivity units, you must enter the date and time when you want to start using the effectivity unit.

If you use Change Management (CHM) to control the effectivity units, LN enters the effective change order's effective date in this field when you approve the related change proposals in Change Management.

Effective Change Order
The effective change order that applies to the effectivity unit.

If you use Object Data Management, LN enters the change-order number and the change-order effective date when you approve the related change proposals in Change Management.

Expiry Date
The expiry date and time of the effectivity unit.
Expiry Change Order
The expiry change order that applies to the effectivity unit. If you want to control the effectivity unit by change orders, you can specify the change-order number.

If you use Object Data Management, LN enters the change order number and the change-order's effective date in the Expiry Date field when you approve the change order in Change Management.

Last Configuration Date
The date and time that the last configuration of the effectivity unit took place.


Calculate Estimated Cost Price
If you start this session from a sales order line or a sales quotation line to configure an effectivity unit, you can click this button to calculate the estimated cost price of the effectivity unit. Due to a specific configuration for which optional materials are used, the estimated cost price can deviate substantially from the item's standard cost price.
Clear Configuration
If you start this session from a sales order line or a sales quotation line to configure an effectivity unit, you can click this button to remove all requirements and process variables that you defined for the effectivity unit from the effectivity unit.
Calculate Upgrade Price
If you start this session from a sales order line or a sales quotation line to configure an effectivity unit, you can click this button to calculate the total sum of upgrade prices for the requirements that you selected for the effectivity unit.