Business Partner Export Data for Israel (tctax4515m000)

Use this session to export business partner data to a file that will be sent to the tax authorities.


To retrieve tax rates from the tax authorities, use the Business Partner Withholding Tax Rates (tccom1128m000) session.

Before you export data, from the appropriate menu, select Reload Export Data to update the data to be exported. LN then creates a new run number and changes the data as follows:

  • New business partners for which withholding tax data exists in the Business Partner Withholding Tax Rates (tccom1128m000) session, are added with export status New.
  • Business partners for which the tax number or fiscal number was changed, will be added with export status Changed.
  • Business partners for which these fields were not changed, will be added with export status Unchanged.
  • Business partners that no longer exist in the Business Partner Withholding Tax Rates (tccom1128m000) session, but are still present here in a previous run, will be added with export status Deleted.

Business partner data with export status New, Changed, or Deleted will be exported.


For more information, refer to MS Excel integration in the Infor Web UI online help.


Run Number
The code assigned to the current set of business partner data.
Invoice-from Business Partner
The business partner that sends invoices to your organization. This usually represents a supplier's accounts receivable department. The definition includes the default currency and exchange rate, invoicing method and frequency, information about your organization's credit limit, the terms and method of payment, and the related pay-to business partner.
Tax Number
The business partner's tax number.
Fiscal Number
The business partner's fiscal number.
Export Status
The status of the export data indicating whether one or more fields to be exported are new or changed.

The export status can be one these:

  • Changed
  • Deleted
  • New
  • Unchanged
  • Not Applicable
Creation Date
Date on which the export data was updated.


Reload Export Data
Updates the business partner data to be exported.
Delete Run Number
Removes business partner data from a previous run.