Configuring LN for BOD publishing

An integration can be established between LN and other applications through business object documents (BODs) that are sent to Infor ION.

To exchange data through BODs, specific configuration settings are required in LN and the other application. This topic handles the most important configuration settings for LN only. For more information, refer to Infor10 ERP Enterprise Integration Guide for Infor10 ION.


To prevent LN from publishing BODs before the setup in LN is completed, in the BOD Parameters (tcbod0100m000) session, select the Prevent BOD Publishing check box.

To specify the parameters

Specify the parameters for BOD messaging in the BOD Parameters (tcbod0100m000) session.

To validate the data setup

Use the Validate Publishing Data Setup (tcbod0300m000) session to check whether the data setup is complete to publish BODs.

You can run this session at the beginning and at the end of the LN configuration for BOD publishing. Run this session at the beginning to view the data that must be filled.

To map master data to ISO codes

The BODs use ISO codes for currencies, countries, and languages.

Maintain the mapping between the LN specific codes and the ISO codes in the following sessions:


For countries, the 2-alpha ISO codes are used in the BODs, not the 3-alpha codes.

For more information, refer to ISO language and country codes.

To define blocking reasons

Define the following blocking reasons in the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session, which are used as hold codes in multiple BODs:

To define tenants, accounting entities, and locations

In the BODs, information on tenant, accounting entity, and location must be present.

TenantAccounting entityLocation
The top level container.The lowest level where financial reports are produced.The physical location associated with the data or transaction. This can be a warehouse, a manufacturing location, or an office.
Required on each BOD.Required on transactional BOD.Required on transactional and balance BOD.
No data is shared between tenants.Optional on master data BOD.Not applicable for master data BOD.


In the Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000) session, create a mapping for these concepts based on department, warehouse, project, enterprise unit, and master data. You can use the Generate Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3200m000) session to generate records for the Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000) session.

To define financial master data

The dimension information is used in these BODs:

  • SourceSystemGLMovementBOD
    Publishes the ledger/dimension balances and budgets from LN Financials.
  • SourceSystemJournalEntryBOD
    Publishes the financial documents with financial transactions from LN Financials and can be considered as detailed information for the ledger/dimension balances. The published details are not actively used, but are available as drill-back information to view the documents and transactions that build up a certain balance.
To load initial publication data

To publish LN data to Infor ION, an initial load of data is required from multiple LN packages.

In general, you publish data from these sessions once. However, if errors occur during the publication process or if the other software application needs a new set of data, you can rerun the sessions.


After you published the information for the BODs on ION, the publication cannot be undone. For more information on the publication process, refer to the log files.

To publish financial documents

For LN, the BODs are published when the business event happens. However, for performance reasons, several financial documents are published in separate sessions.

These sessions can be manually run or in a job mode.

To publish inventory figures

Usually, balance information is sent at quiet moments. Use the Publish InventoryBalance Messages (whinr1448m000) session to publish InventoryCount BOD messages for warehouse-item combinations. This session can be manually run or in a job mode.


A cycle counting order in LN does not result in an InventoryCount BOD. The results of the cycle counting order are published via the InventoryAdjustment BOD.

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