Tax parameters - overview

This table lists the various parameters and other tax setup data for the following types of tax registration and reporting:

  • Sales tax
  • Value added tax and consumer tax
  • Tax registration in a foreign country
  • Expensed purchase tax
  • Withholding tax and social contributions
Common tax parameters
Type of taxSessionParameters

Value added tax

EU tax reporting

Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000)

EU Statistical Reporting

EU Sales Listing

Withholding Income Tax & Social Contribution

DAS 2 Reporting

Value added tax

EU tax reporting

General Company Data (tccom0102s000)

Tax ID of Own Company

Fiscal Identification

Value added tax

Destination sales Tax

COM Parameters (tccom0000s000)

Destination Sales Tax Applicable

Include Tax in Order Balance

Value added tax

Destination sales Tax

Countries (tcmcs0110s000)

Print Tax by Tax Authority

Print Line Tax

Print Tax Exemption

Check on Bank Account No.


Tax provider for sales tax Tax Provider Parameters (tctax6100m000)

Use Tax Provider

Intrastat declaration Intrastat Parameters (tccom7100s000)Define the details for the Intrastat report
All tax types Tax Parameters (tctax0100m000)Define the parameters that apply to each kind of tax setup.
Tax registration in a foreign country Tax Parameters (tctax0100m000)

Use Tax Numbers of other Financial Companies

Allow Simplified Triangulation between own Entities

All tax types

Items - Sales (tdisa0501m000)

Item - Sales Defaults (tdisa0102s000)

Tax Code

The sales item tax code.

All tax types

Item - Purchase (tdipu0101m000)

Item - Purchase Defaults (tdipu0102m000)

Tax Code

The purchase item tax code.

All tax types Terms of Payment (tcmcs0113s000)

Discount Including Tax

Tax After Discount

Indicate how tax and discount amounts are calculated.


General tax parameters in Financials
All tax types Group Company Parameters (tfgld0101s000) Number of Tax Periods
All tax types Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000)

Default Tax Code

The default tax code for transactions posted to the account

All tax types ACR Parameters (tfacr0100s000)

Level of Tax Calculation

Calculate tax on invoice header level or on individual invoice lines. Important for sales tax if a maximum taxable amount per invoice exists.

All tax types

ACP Parameters (tfacp0100m000)

Level of Tax Calculation

Tax Code

North American Purchase Expensed Tax

Tax Variance Account

All tax types CMG Parameters (tfcmg0100s000)

Adjust Tax for Deductions

Calculate Tax on Advance Payments/Receipts

Minimum Amount for Tax Calculation

Tax parameters in Invoicing
All tax types SLI Parameters (cisli0100m000)

Date for Sales Invoice Tax

Tax Period Based On

Log Intrastat for Manual Sales