Address hierarchy for sales tax calculations

Address hierarchy

The following tables indicate the hierarchical order LN uses to determine the addresses:

  • Address hierarchy by order type for Service, Sales, and Procurement
  • Address hierarchy by Financials sessions
  • Additional information hierarchy
Address hierarchy by order type for Service and Distribution

The following table indicates by order type, for Service, Sales, and Procurement, the hierarchical order LN uses to determine the addresses.

Type of orderShip fromShip toPoint of Ord. AcceptancePoint of Order Origin

Sales order

Sales quotation

Warehouse (shippable item)

Specific delivery address (line)

Delivery address code (line)

Specific delivery address (header)

Delivery address code (header)


Sales order

Sales quotation

Company (non-shippable item)CustomerCompanyCompany
Sales installmentCompany

Specific delivery address (header)

Delivery address code (header)


Purchase orderSupplier

Specific delivery address (line)

Specific delivery address (header)

Specific postal address (header)Specific postal address (header)
Purchase orderSupplierDelivery address code (header)Postal address code (header)Postal address code (header)
Purchase orderSupplierCompanySupplierSupplier
Service contractCompany

Specific work site address (location)

Delivery address code (Customer's location)


Service orderWarehouse (shippable item)

Specific delivery address (header)

Delivery address code (header)

Specific delivery address (order's location)

Delivery address code (order's location)

Service orderCompany (non-shippable item)CustomerCompanyCompany


Address hierarchy by Financials session, for Accounts Payable

For the following group of Financials sessions, this table indicates the hierarchical order LN uses to determine the addresses:

  • Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000)
  • Tax Transactions (tfacp1112m000)
  • Purchase Invoice Transactions (tfacp1120s000)
  • Purchase-Invoice Corrections (tfacp2110s000)
-Ship-fromShip-toPoint of order acceptancePoint of order origin
1One-time supplier addressCompanyOne-time supplier addressOne-time supplier address


Address hierarchy by Financials session, for Accounts Receivable

For the following group of Financials sessions, this table indicates the hierarchical order LN uses to determine the addresses:

  • Sales Invoices (tfacr1110s000)
  • Sales Invoice Transactions (tfacr1111s000)
  • Sales Invoice Corrections (tfacr2110s000)
  • Manual Sales Invoice Data (cisli2520m000)
-Ship-fromShip-toPoint of order acceptancePoint of order origin
1CompanyOne-time supplier addressCompanyCompany


Address hierarchy by Financials session, for Cash Management

For the applicable groups of Financials sessions, the tables indicate the hierarchical order LN uses to determine the addresses.

  • Posting Data of Standing Orders/Stand-Alone Pmt (tfcmg1515m000)
  • Payment Advice (tfcmg1609m000)
  • Select Invoices for Payment (tfcmg1220m000)
-Ship-fromShip-toPoint of order acceptancePoint of order origin
1One-time supplier addressCompanyOne-time supplier addressOne-time supplier address


  • Bank Transactions (tfcmg2500m000)
  • Assign Unallocated to Advance Payments/Receipts (tfcmg2108s000)

For advance receipts:

-Ship-fromShip-toPoint of order acceptancePoint of order origin
1CompanyOne-time supplier addressCompanyCompany


For advance payments:

-Ship-fromShip-toPoint of order acceptancePoint of order origin
1One-time supplier addressOne-time supplier addressOne-time supplier addressOne-time supplier address


  • Anticipated Payments (Details) (tfcmg2116s000)
Ship-fromShip-toPoint of order acceptancePoint of order origin


  • Anticipated Receipts (Details) (tfcmg2117s000)
Ship-fromShip-toPoint of order acceptancePoint of order origin


  • Cash Management Transactions (Anticipated Payments) (tfcmg2140s000)

For advance payments:

Ship-fromShip-toPoint of order acceptancePoint of order origin


For other transactions:

Ship-fromShip-toPoint of order acceptancePoint of order origin


  • Direct Debit Batch - Advices (tfcmg4501m000)

For purchase invoices and purchase credit invoices:

Ship-fromShip-toPoint of order acceptancePoint of order origin
Customer's supplierCompanyCustomer's supplierCustomer's supplier


For other transactions:

Ship-fromShip-toPoint of order acceptancePoint of order origin


  • Cash Management Transactions (tfcmg2120s000)
  • Journal Voucher Documents (tfgld0618m000)
  • Create Transactions from Schedule (tfgld1204s000)
Ship-fromShip-toPoint of order acceptancePoint of order origin


Additional information hierarchy

The following table indicates, by order type or transaction type, the hierarchical order LN uses to determine the value of the additional information that the tax provider needs for the tax calculations.

Transaction TypeOrder typeProduct CategoryPoint of Title Passage
Sales orderSales

Item Code

Item Group

Item Code (VERTEX)

Delivery Terms
Sales installmentSales

Installment Item Code

Item Group

Item Code (VERTEX)

Delivery Terms
Service orderService

Item Code

Item Group

Item Code (VERTEX)

Default Parameter
Service contractContractContract TypeDefault Parameter
Purchase orderPurchase

Item Code

Item Group

Item Code (VERTEX)

Delivery Terms
FinancialsSalesLedger AccountDefault trans. parameter


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