The supplementary unit

LN reports quantities of each item on the Intrastat declaration in one of the following units:

  • The item's inventory unit
  • The unit you enter in the Supplementary Unit field of the Commodities (tcmcs0128m000) session. The supplementary unit defined for a commodity code is used for items with the commodity code.

LN uses the supplementary unit if the following conditions are both fulfilled:

  • You have specified a unit in this field
  • You have defined a conversion factor for the item from the inventory unit to the supplementary unit.

In all other cases, LN uses the item's inventory unit on the Intrastat declaration.

To set up the supplementary unit:
  1. Define a unit for EU reporting in the Units (tcmcs0101m000) session. For example, use the code EU and use the description 'EU supplementary unit'. The physical quantity does not matter. For example, use the default physical quantity.
  2. Define the conversion factor from the inventory unit to the EU supplementary unit for those items for which you cannot use the inventory unit in the Intrastat report. You can define conversion factors in the Conversion Factors (tcibd0103m000) session.
  3. Select the EU supplementary unit in the Supplementary Unit field of the Commodities (tcmcs0128m000) session. The supplementary unit is used for items with this commodity code.

You do not need to add the supplementary unit to a unit set.