Tax registration in a foreign country - service ordersIf you create a service order, LN stores the financial department of the order on the order header. Initially, the financial department is equal to the service department of the order and in this way, the initial tax country is the home country of the financial company of the service department. LN only displays the financial department of the order if you select the Use Tax Numbers of other Financial Companies check box in the Tax Handling Parameters (tctax0100m000) session. The tax country can change in the following ways:
If the tax countries of the service order lines differ, LN uses the following method to determine the tax country of the service invoice:
You can change the financial department on the order header if no financial postings exist for the order. If financial postings exist, LN displays a warning message. The same rules apply to service orders created from a service call. The service department that owns the call does not invoice the customer and LN does not create any financial postings based on the service call. Note In Service, LN does not determine tax details for estimated cost lines. LN determines the tax details of the order lines when the actual lines are created if you release the service order. The tax details of service cost types The criteria to determine the tax details for material lines and for labor lines and cost lines differ as follows:
As a result, the tax countries of the material lines, the labor lines, and the cost lines of a service order can differ. If you release a service order to Invoicing, LN determines the tax details for the labor lines, for the material lines, and for the cost lines, in that order.
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