Unit effectivity and production order completion

If sales order lines contain items with an effectivity unit, Enterprise Planning can generate production orders to produce those items. LN then also generates an order distribution with a distribution line for every effectivity unit. On the distribution line, the item quantity for the effectivity unit is specified. The order distribution can be viewed and maintained in the Order Distribution (tisfc0105m000) session.

For a production order with an order distribution, you can use the Order Distribution (tisfc0105m000) session to report the production order as completed. You can start the Order Distribution (tisfc0105m000) session from the Report Orders Completed (tisfc0120s000) session. The quantities on the distribution lines must be reported as completed for every distribution line seperately.


A production order HA1000299 has three distribution lines: One for effectivity unit 95, one for 96, and one for 97. The ordered quantity on each distribution line is 4 pieces. The total order quantity is 12 pieces.

Suppose that 6 pieces must be reported as completed: 2 for effectivity unit 95, 1 for effectivity unit 96, and 3 for effectivity unit 97. Carry out the following procedure:

  1. Start the Report Orders Completed (tisfc0120s000) session for the production order.
  2. Type the quantity (in this case 6) that you want to report as completed in the Qty to Deliver field. If you continue, you can get the message that you must first divide the quantity over the order distribution.
  3. Start the Order Distribution (tisfc0105m000) session by clicking the button. Enter the quantities for each distribution line, and close the session.
  4. The sum of the quantities that you entered for the distribution lines, is displayed in the Qty to Deliver field in the Report Orders Completed (tisfc0120s000) session. Save the new quantity.
Simple production order completion

The procedure mentioned above is quite time-consuming because you must handle the distribution lines separately in the Order Distribution (tisfc0105m000) session. In many cases however, you can skip the Order Distribution (tisfc0105m000) session, and report the production orders as completed directly in the Report Orders Completed (tisfc0120s000) session. This applies when the following is true:

  • Only one distribution line is present for the production order.
  • More than one distribution line is present, but you are reporting the entire ordered quantity as completed.

If the above is true, and you type the applicable quantity in the Qty to Deliver field in the Report Orders Completed (tisfc0120s000) session, you will not get the message that you must divide the quantity over the order distribution. Consequently, you can skip the Order Distribution (tisfc0105m000) session. Completing a production order with order distribution is now as simple as completing an order without order distribution.

Lot control

If manufactured items are lot controlled, and their production order has an order distribution, a lot code must be entered for every distribution line in the Order Distribution (tisfc0105m000) session. If you do not enter a lot code, for example, because you skip the Order Distribution (tisfc0105m000) session, LN can generate a lot code automatically if the Generate Lots for Effectivity Units Automatically check box is selected in the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session. The generated lot code equals the effectivity unit.