To set up the calendar structure

This topic describes how to set up calendars.

For an overview of the functionality, refer to Overview of calendar functionality.

Overview of the procedure

To set up a calendar, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Availability Types (tcccp0101m000) session, define availability types.
  2. In the Working Hours Types (tcccp0103m000) session, define working hours types.
  3. In the Standard Calendar (tcccp0140m000) session, define the standard calendar for the seven days of the week.
  4. Define the calendar code and calendar details. For detailed instructions, refer to To define a calendar.
  5. Assign the calendar to your resources and business partners.
Detailed procedure

To set up a structure of calendars, completes the following steps:

Step 1. Define availability types.

Use the Availability Types (tcccp0101m000) session to define availability types. The Default Available check box determines the default setting for the Available field in the Calendar Recurrences (tcccp0144m000) session.

For more information, refer to Availability types.

Step 2. Define working hours types.

To define a working hours type, use the Working Hours Types (tcccp0103m000) session. You use working hours types to store default values of working times, capacity percentages, efficiency factors, and an indication of whether the time is overtime.

Step 3. Define the standard calendar.

To define the defaults for each day of the week for the relevant availability types, use the Standard Calendar (tcccp0140m000) session. The standard calendar supplies default information, such as working hours and efficiency factors for each day of the week.

For more information, refer to To define the standard calendar.

Step 4. Define the calendar.

Define calendars as described in To define a calendar. Before you define a particular calendar, you must first define that calendar's parent calendar. It is highly recommended to define the company calendar first.

Step 5. Assign the calendars to resources.

You can use the following sessions to link the calendars to various resources:

  • Companies (tcemm1170m000)
  • Departments (tcmcs0565m000)
  • Work Centers (tirou0101m000)
  • Warehouses (whwmd2500m000)
  • Business Partners (tccom4500m000)
  • Addresses (tccom4530m000)
  • Employees - General (tccom0101m000)
  • Teams (tcppl0140m000)
To update calendars

To reflect changes in the working hours types, efficiency factors, or any other settings in the Calendar Working Hours (tcccp0120m000) session for all derived calendars, use the Update Calendar (tcccp0226m000) session. For example, if the working hours type for the morning shift is defined from 08:00 hrs to 12:00 hrs, and you change it to 09:00 - 13:00 hrs, you must update the calendar.

You can use the Update Efficiency Factor and Capacity (tcccp0225m000) session to change the value of the efficiency factor or the capacity percentage for a range of calendars for a specific time period, and update the time and capacity details for the selected calendars according to the new values. The Calendar Working Hours (tcccp0120m000) session reflects the results of the update.