Integration between LN and Twitter

If you use Infor Ming.le for LN, you can call the Twitter Tracker Context Application to display a business partner's or contact's latest tweets.

Social Media

To display tweets, specify the following fields in the Business Partner (tccom4100s000) or Contact (tccom1640m000) session:

  • Social Media Type
    Select Twitter to display the tweets for a specific twitter account.
  • Select Twitter Tags to display the tweets that include the specified tag(s).
  • Social Media Link
    If the Social Media Type is Twitter, specify the twitter account whose tweets you want to display.
  • If the Social Media Type is Twitter Tags, specify the tag(s) for the tweets you want to display.

To call the Twitter Tracker Context Application from an LN session that includes the business partner or contact, click the Twitter Tracker icon on the Context Applications panel. The tweets are displayed based on the twitter data that is specified in the Social Media group box of the Business Partner (tccom4100s000) or Contact (tccom1640m000) session.

You can call the Twitter Tracker Context Application from the following sessions:

SessionDisplay tweets for contactDisplay tweets for business partner
  • Business Partners (tccom4500m000)
  • Business Partner (tccom4100s000)
Only when selecting the Primary Contact.By default.
  • Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4510m000)
  • Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000)
Only when selecting the Primary Contact.By default.
  • Buy-from Business Partners (tccom4520m000)
  • Buy-from Business Partner (tccom4120s000)
Only when selecting the Primary Contact.By default.
  • Contacts (tccom4540m000)
  • Contact (tccom1640m000)
By default.
Contacts by Business Partner Role (tccom4545m000)When selecting the Contact.When selecting the Business Partner.
Customer 360 (tdsmi1500m000)By default.
Supplier 360 (tdsmi1501m000)By default.
  • Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000)
  • Opportunities (tdsmi1110m000)
Only when selecting the Contact on the Contacts tab.By default.
  • Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000)
  • Sales Quotation - Lines (tdsls1600m000)
Only when selecting a contact.By default.
Customer Call Dashboard (tsclm1509m100)
  • By default, the tweets for the Sold-to BP.
  • When selecting the Invoice-to Business Partner, the tweets for the invoice-to business partner.
Call (tsclm1100m000)By default, the tweets for the Sold-to B.P..


  • To view tweets by launching the Twitter Web site directly in the Business Partner (tccom4100s000) or Contact (tccom1640m000) session, click the ... button next to the Social Media Type field or start the required command from the appropriate menu.
  • For more information on Context Applications, refer to the Infor Ming.le online help.