Integration between LN and Bing Maps

If you use Infor Ming.le, from any LN session that includes address data, you can call the Maps Context Application to display locations and routes on a map. The Maps Context Application is a basic Web mapping service based on Bing technology.

To call the Maps Context Application from an LN session, click the Maps icon on the Context Applications panel. The required address data for the relevant session for which a location or route must be displayed on the map, is retrieved from the Addresses (tccom4530m000) session.


If multiple addresses are available in a session, a route is automatically generated on the map.


If you call the Maps Context Application from the Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900) session, a route is automatically generated on the map based on the following fields:


For more information on Context Applications, refer to the online help for Infor Ming.le.

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