To export the Intrastat data

To view the EU Intrastat declaration data and to export the data to the Intrastat declaration application that you use, take the following steps:

  1. In the Intrastat Transactions (tccom7171m000) session, view the recorded data. You can supply missing data and make any corrections that are necessary. For corrections to the financial data, you must duplicate the record to be corrected and create a new Manual Correction transaction.
  2. In the Export Intrastat Transactions (tccom7271m000) session, select the ranges of data to be exported to the Intrastat declaration application that you use. If you select a range of offices (departments), the departments must all belong enterprise units that are linked to the same financial company. This is to avoid that the Intrastat data of different financial companies is mixed.

    You must also select the type of export file, which can be one of the following:

    • An XML file that you can directly transfer to the Intrastat collection center
    • A sequential IDEP file.
    • A sequential IRIS file.

    To transfer an XML file, in the Intrastat Parameters (tccom7100s000) session you must have entered the INSTAT/XML Party Definition details according to your local instructions for transfer of the Intrastat declaration.

  3. In many countries, separate Intrastat declarations are required for the import (Receipt) flow and the export (Issue) flow. To export the data for one flow, select the same flow in the Flow From and To fields. Next, repeat step 2 and this time, select the other flow.