Defining address formats

You define an address format by using the Address Formats (tccom4135s000) session.

Define for each address field where and how it must be printed, by specifying:

  • Line
    The number of the address line.
  • Sequence
    The sequence number of this field on the line.
  • Priority
    The priority of this field.
  • Space
    The number of spaces to follow this field.

You can use the sequence number to print more than one field on a line. If the fields do not fit on the line, the information is truncated at the end of the line. LN does not check the priorities of the fields in this case.


You can use the priority to indicate which address fields can be skipped. If there are not enough lines available to print the complete address according to the specified format, the lines that contain fields with a low priority are not printed. 1 = highest priority, 2 = second priority, and so on.

Free text

You can specify free text that will be inserted between the address fields. You can use this to add commas, or the text P.O. Box or CEDEX to the address.

Use the Communication tab of the Address Formats (tccom4135s000) session to define the free texts of a format.

You define the position of the free text in the same way as for the other address fields. You can define only one position for a free text. For example, if you need two commas, you must define two free texts with a comma.

For each format you can define:

  • Three long free texts, of up to 20 characters each.
  • Six short free texts, of up to 6 characters each.

Free text is treated as prefix and tag to the other address fields. These rules apply:

  • A short free text at the end of a line is not printed (a long free text is).
  • If there is only free text on a line, the line is not printed. The free text can be long free text or short free text.

For example, if you specify a format in which Name 2 is printed on line 2 followed by a free text, the entire line is skipped if the Name 2 field of the address is empty.


You can specify the same combination of line, sequence, and priority for only one address field.


Required printing address:

line 1:Name
line 2:Name 2
line 3:P.O. Box (space) P.O. Box Number
line 4:City, (space) City 2
line 5:ZIP Code/Postal Code (space) (space) Country


Address FormatLineSequencePrioritySpace
Name 21320
P.O. Box Number3210
City 24210
ZIP Code/Postal Code5112
P.O. Box3111



  • P.O. Box is a long free text
  • The comma is a short free text
  • Set the values for the address fields that are not used to zero.
  • Name 2 is only printed if there are five lines available on the order or report. Otherwise, only Name is printed and P.O. Box Number is printed on the second line of the address.
  • If line 4 is not long enough, City 2 is truncated.