To recalculate the business partner balances

You can use the Rebuild Invoice-to Business Partner Order Balances (tccom4213m000), Rebuild Invoice-to Business Partner Billing Request Balances (tccom4213m100), and Rebuild Invoice-from Business Partner Order Balances (tccom4223m000) sessions to recalculate the total open orders and billing requests balances of your invoice-to and invoice-from business partners.

You can run these sessions:

  • Periodically, to correct rounding-differences that occur as the amounts are registered by order or invoice line.
  • After the business partner balance currency has been changed in the Currency for BP Balances/Credit Limits field of the Business Partners (tccom4100s000) session.
  • After a system failure, if you decide not to use the backup data.
To recalculate the amounts
  1. Specify the range of business partners and click Continue to carry out the calculations.
  2. You must select a print device (your screen or a printer). LN displays or prints the currently recorded amounts and the new amounts that result from the recalculation on the print device.
To preview the resulting amounts

Select the Simulate check box if you want to display or print the calculated amounts for reviewing, without changing the amounts in the database.

To update the database, you must clear the Simulate check box and click Continue again.