Freight Service Levels (tcmcs0175m000)

Use this session to maintain freight service levels. You can define further details of the freight service levels in the Freight Service Levels (fmfmd0170m000) session in Freight.

You can use freight service levels:

  • As a criterion for grouping freight order lines into loads.
  • As one of the factors that determine the transportation costs of a load.
  • As one of the factors that determine the freight rate of a freight order.

You can link freight service levels to business partners in the following sessions:

  • Ship-to Business Partners (tccom4111s000).
  • Ship-from Business Partners (tccom4121s000).


Freight Service Level
An entity that expresses the duration of transportation, such as: delivery within twelve hours. A freight service level (optional) is used as follows:
  • As a factor that determines the transportation costs of a load.
  • As a factor that determines the freight rate of a freight order.