Landed Costs Set - Scenarios (tclct1105m100)

Use this session to maintain landed costs scenarios.


Landed Costs Set
The landed costs set to which the scenario is linked.
Used for
Indicates the purpose of the landed costs set.

Allowed values

Default value: Order Header

If this check box is selected, the landed costs set is active and cannot be maintained.

If this check box is cleared, users can perform these actions:

  • Add landed costs to the set
  • Remove landed costs from the set
A landed costs set with priority 1 is evaluated before a landed costs set with priority 2.
Ship-from Country
The country from which goods are shipped.
Ship-to Country
The country to which goods are shipped.
Buy-from Business Partner
The buy-from business partner on the purchase order.
Purchase - Delivery Terms
The delivery terms of the purchase order.
The line number that is incremented with each scenario created for the same landed costs set.
The item that is shipped.
Item Group
Group of items with similar characteristics. Each item belongs to a particular item group. The item group is used in combination with the item type to set up item defaults.
Ship-from Address
The address from which goods are shipped.
The company to which the ship-from warehouse belongs.
Ship-from Warehouse
The warehouse from which goods are shipped.
Ship-to Address
The address to which goods are shipped.
Ship-to Warehouse
The warehouse to which goods are shipped.
A company's organizational unit that carries out a specific set of tasks, for example, a sales office or a purchase office. Departments are assigned number groups for the orders they issue. The department's enterprise unit determines the financial company to which the financial transactions that the department generates are posted.
Sales - Delivery Terms
For a direct delivery, the delivery terms of the sales order.

This field is not applicable for landed costs sets for which the Used for field is Schedule or Schedule and Order Line.

An organization that provides transport services. You can link a default carrier to both ship-to and ship-from business partners. In addition, you can print sales and purchase orders on a packing list, sorted by carrier.

For ordering and invoicing, you must define a carrier as a business partner.

Landed Costs Classification
Attribute that allows users to link a logistic transaction to a specific landed costs set, overruling the landed costs settings of that transaction. If required, users can specify a landed costs classification and use this classification on the transaction.

This field is not applicable for landed costs sets for which the Used for field is Schedule or Schedule and Order Line.


Simulate Search Landed Costs Set