Landed Costs Parameters (tclct0100m000)

Use this session to define the parameters that control landed costs functionality.


Effective Date
The date on which you define new parameter settings.

The date and the previous settings are posted to history enabling the user to view previous settings.

The description or name of the code.
General Settings
Landed Costs Search Date
The purchase transaction date used to search for valid landed costs that can be linked to the purchase transaction.

Select one of these values:

  • Order Date
  • Receipt Date
  • System Date

Default value: Order Date


The Order Date and Receipt Date are the Planned Receipt Date for purchase schedule lines.

Recalculate Landed Costs
The way in which landed costs are recalculated after modification.

Select one of these values:

  • Automatic
    Landed costs are automatically recalculated, but the Manual and Modified landed costs are skipped.
  • Interactive
    LN asks you whether the landed costs must be recalculated, after which you can specify whether the Manual and Modified landed costs must also be taken into account.
  • No
    You must manually recalculate landed costs in the Recalculate Landed Costs (tclct2800s000) session.

Default value: Automatic


For purchase schedule lines, landed costs are always automatically recalculated.

Method of Calculating Average Landed Cost Price
Specify how the average landed cost price is calculated.


Method of Calculating Average Landed Cost Price: Cumulative Purchases

Current values for item K:

Cumulative purchase receipts20 pcs
Average landed cost price for cost component A5 euro
Average landed cost price for cost component B4 euro
Total average landed cost price9 euro


New receipt for item K, all landed costs are invoiced.

Received quantity2 pcs
Landed cost line for cost component A7 euro
Landed cost line for cost component C3 euro


New average landed cost prices:

  • Cost component A
    (2 x 7) + (20 x 5) / (20 + 2) = 5.18 euro
  • Cost component B
    (2 x 0) + (20 x 4) / (20 + 2) = 3.64 euro
  • Cost component C
    (2 x 3) + (20 x 0) / (20 + 2) = 0.27

New values for item K:

Cumulative purchase receipts22 pcs
Total average landed cost price9.09 euro


Write Landed Costs for Purchase Push Schedules
If this check box is selected, landed costs are linked to push schedule lines.

If, on push schedule line level, intake and on order bookings are not required for landed cost lines, you can clear this check box. This increases performance and reduces data growth.


For push schedules, goods are received against a blanket warehousing order. After receipt, the goods are assigned to (the) schedule line(s) with the oldest unfulfilled immediate requirement or firm requirement in the Purchase Schedule Lines (tdpur3111m000) session. Because no direct link exists between a receipt and a specific push schedule line, landed costs for push schedule line receipts are not based on the landed costs for push schedule lines. Therefore, the landed costs for a push schedule line receipt are defaulted from the Master Data.

For pull schedules, the schedule receipt landed cost lines are always based on the generated schedule line landed cost lines.


Once open push schedule lines are available in the logistic company, which means they have a status other than Canceled, Invoiced, or Processed, you can no longer change this parameter.

Apportion Fixed Amounts for Purchase Orders upon
Apportion Fixed Amounts for Purchase Orders upon
For landed costs that are specified as a Fixed Amount, this field determines from which moment onwards LN apportions the fixed amount of the purchase order header to the purchase order lines.

Select one of these values:

  • Approval
    Apportioning starts at purchase order approval.
  • Order Entry
    Apportioning starts at purchase order entry.

Default value: Approval