Item Segmentation (tcibd0100s000)

Use this session to maintain the segmentation parameters.

The parameters that divide the item code in several segments are used throughout LN.

Segmented item codes are exclusively used for customized items.


In LN, the segmented item code can be divided into the following segments:

  • The project code, for example, PRJ01.
  • The item base code, for example, 281071/5000R

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The selected value in this list box determines the way a segment is arranged and influences sorting the data.

If you select an application content, this field is automatically filled.

The value in this list box determines the way alphanumeric characters are stored.

If you select an application content, this field is automatically filled.

Zoom Session
A zoom session is defined for each application content.


If the Application Content field is Item Base, the zoom session is the Items - General (tcibd0501m000) session. Note

  • If you select an application content other than Item Base, this field is automatically filled.
  • In situations in which the application content is used, the zoom session is the same.
  • The field selected in the zoom session returns a value to the segment. This value is displayed in this field.
  • If the Application Content is Item Base, only the part of the item code that is defined by the current segment is returned.
Length of Segment
Displays the maximum length for the segment in the item code. Note If you select an application content, this field is automatically filled.