Type of Record

  • Simulation records

    Simulation records provide search result information regarding the retrieved terms and conditions. The following simulation records are available:

    • Information
      If terms and conditions are retrieved for a business partner, an Information record type with general search information is always generated.
    • Match
      The entered search attributes in the Terms and Conditions - Searches (tctrm2150m000) session or the order lines sessions, match with the attributes of a found terms and conditions line. This record type is linked to an Information record.
    • Mismatch
      The following results in a Mismatch record type:
      • The entered search attributes do not match with the attributes of a found terms and conditions line.
      • No terms and conditions regarding orders, planning, logistics, invoicing, or allocation/hard pegging are found for the terms and conditions line.
      This record type is linked to an Information record.
  • Validation records

    After records of the Match type are generated, these records are validated. The following validation records are available:

    • Warning
      Indicates that terms and conditions for components of a main item are possibly missing. LN cannot explode the BOM to retrieve the components of an item and check whether terms and conditions are set up for a component. Instead, a Warning record type is created that reminds a user of setting up terms and conditions for an item's components if the item's inventory handling is by component.
    • Error
      Indicates that an error is detected in the terms and conditions set up for a business partner.

      A number of checks are performed automatically. The following must be applicable, if not, an Error record type is created.

      • Supply planning check
        Only one business partner must be responsible for the supply of an item to a warehouse (sales), or only one business partner does the supply planning of an item to a warehouse (purchase).
      • Self billing check
        If the Payment field is set to No Payment in the Order Terms and Conditions (tctrm1130m000) session, the Self-Billing check box must be cleared in the Invoicing Terms and Conditions (tctrm1145m000) session.
      • Allocation and hard pegging check
        If the Payment field is set to No Payment in the Order Terms and Conditions (tctrm1130m000) session, the Allocation and Hard Pegging Required check box must be selected in the Allocation and Hard Pegging Terms and Conditions (tctrm1165m000) session.