Method of Last Shipment ID determination

  • Customer's Last Shipment ID

    The last shipment ID must be communicated by the customer on the sales release.

  • Customer's Last Receipt Date

    If, before generation of the sales release, not all shipments that are sent by the supplier are received by the customer, the shipments that are in transit are determined by comparing the last receipt date, sent by the customer, with the planned receipt date in the supplier's (your) system.

  • Customer's Release Generation Date

    If, before generation of the sales release, not all shipments that are sent by the supplier are received by the customer, the shipments that are in transit are determined by comparing the release generation date, sent by the customer, with the planned receipt date in the supplier's (your) system.

  • Supplier's Release Creation Date

    If, before generation of the sales release, not all shipments that are sent by the supplier are received by the customer, the shipments that are in transit are determined by comparing the supplier’s release creation with the planned receipt date in the supplier's (your) system.

    The assumption is that this release creation date lies close to the customer's release generation date.

  • Supplier's Last Shipment

    The last shipment ID is determined based on the supplier's last dispatched shipment.

    The assumption is that before generation of the sales release, the supplier's last shipment is already received and, therefore, nothing is in transit.