Possible values

  • Main Project

    A main project is a separate project which is made up of several subprojects. Main projects and subprojects are both defined as projects. A main project either acts as:

    • The driver for planning its subprojects
    • The aggregate for the financial results of the subprojects

    Recording a project structure by using main projects and subprojects is especially important for extensive projects in an engineer-to-order situation. As to main projects, only a limited number of project-control functions is feasible.

  • Sub Project

    A subproject is part of a main project. You can derive the network planning for the subproject from the planning for the main project. For a subproject, you can define several parameters on the main project level for a subproject (see also the Help file for main projects). The project control functions for a subproject also apply to the single project.

  • Single Project

    A single project is a separate project which is not divided into several subprojects.

  • Budget

    A budget is used for planning and estimating, not for production.