Business Partner Status

  • Active

    If the business partner (role) status is Active, you can use the business partner for business transactions. You must define the period for which the business partner is Active. If the period is expired, the actual status of the business partner becomes Inactive, and you cannot use the business partner anymore.

  • Inactive

    If the business partner (role) status is Inactive, you cannot use the business partner for business transactions.

    You cannot enter an effective date and an expiry date for the Inactive status.

  • Potential

    You can use the Potential business partner (role) if you enter general business partner data but you do not enter details for a specific role. If no details for a specific role are defined, you cannot enter, for example, sales orders or purchase contracts because the sold-to role or buy-from role is not specified.

    You must define the period for which the business partner is Potential. If the period is expired, the actual status of the business partner becomes Inactive, and you cannot use the business partner anymore.