Recipients (tccom6600m900)

Use this session to view, enter, and maintain the recipients for an e-mail.

You can start this session from the Email (tccom6600m500) session, by clicking the From, To, Cc, or Bcc buttons.

Recipient lines

The lines on the tabs refer to the following sessions:

  • Employees
    The lines on the Employees tab refer to the Employees (tccom0501m000) session. On this tab, select one or more emloyees and, on the appropriate menu, click Select to add the employees as recipients to the e-mail.
  • Contacts
    The lines on the Contacts tab refer to the Contacts (tccom4540m000) session. On this tab, select one or more contacts and, on the appropriate menu, click Select to add the contacts as recipients to the e-mail.
  • Selected Recipients
    The lines on the Selected Recipients tab refer to the Selected Recipients (tccom6105m100) session. On this tab, you can view, enter, and maintain the recipients for the e-mail by recipient role. Recipients of the Employee and Contact Type, which you previously selected on the Employees and Contacts tab, are automatically displayed. If the recipient is not specified as a contact or an employee, you can enter new recipients of the type Other.

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The name of the recipient who created or sent the e-mail.
The name of the recipient to whom the e-mail is sent.
The name of the recipient other than the recipient in the To field, whose name is visible to other recipients of the message.
The name of the recipient other than the recipient in the To field, whose name is invisible to other recipients of the message.