Task (tccom6600m300)

Use this session to view, enter, and maintain tasks.

A task can be linked to a contact, a business partner, an opportunity, or an activity.

You can start this session from the Activities (tccom6100m000) overview session, by double-clicking a record of the Task type , or by clicking New Task or Follow Up Task on the appropriate menu. You can also start this session stand-alone.

Task lines

The lines on the tabs refer to the following sessions:

  • Notes
    The lines on the Notes tab refer to the Notes (tcstl1550m000) session. On this tab, you can view, enter, and maintain the notes that are linked to the task. If you double-click a line or enter a new note on this tab, the Note (tcstl1650m000) session is started.
  • References
    The lines on the References tab refer to the References by Activity (tccom6115m000) session. On this tab, you can view and specify reference information for a task.
  • Additional Attributes
    The lines on the Additional Attributes tab refer to the Attributes (tdsmi2101m000) session. On this tab, you can add attributes to the task.

Related topics


Enter a short description of the task.
Start Date
The date and time the activity started.
Due Date
The date and time the task must be completed.
If this check box is selected, you can set a reminder to follow up on the task.
The date and time on which a user is reminded about following up on the task.
The contact for whom the task is executed.
Business Partner
The business partner for whom the task is executed.
The phase in the sales process for which the task is executed.
The activity for which the task is executed.
Activity Template
The activity template from which the task is generated.

You can define activity templates in the Activity Templates (tdsmi0155m000) session and generate tasks from an activity template in the Global Addition of Activities (tdsmi2210m100) session.

Use this field to add text to the task.
The task status, which informs you about the progress of the task.
The priority assigned to the task.
Assigned To
The employee to whom the task is assigned.

You can (re)assign the task:

  • To another employee by selecting an employee from the Employees - General (tccom0101m000) session.
  • To yourself by clicking the Assign To Me button.
The employee who is the task owner and is responsible for execution of the task.

You can (re)assign ownership of the task:

  • To another owner by selecting an employee from the Employees - General (tccom0101m000) session.
  • To yourself by clicking the Assign To Me button.
An activity type that specifies an action to be executed for a contact, business partner, opportunity, or activity that you want to track through completion.
Created by
The user who created the task.
Creation Date
The date on which the task is created.
Last Modified by
The user who last modified the task.
Last Modification Date
The last date on which the task is modified.
Completed by
The user who set the task to Completed.
Completion Date
The date and time the task obtains the Completed status.
The series used for the task.

Default value

The Series for Tasks from the COM Parameters (tccom0000s000) session.


Assign To Me
Assigns the task to yourself. As a result, your user name is displayed in the Assigned To field.
Assign To Me
Assigns ownership of the task to yourself. As a result, your user name is displayed in the Owner field.
Completes the task and sets its status to Completed.
Follow Up Appointment
Starts the Appointment (tccom6600m100) session in which you can enter a follow-up appointment for the task.
Follow Up Call
Starts the Call (tccom6600m200) session in which you can enter a follow-up call for the task.
Follow Up Task
Starts the Task (tccom6600m300) session in which you can enter a follow-up task for the task.
Follow Up Email
Starts the Email (tccom6600m500) session in which you can enter a follow-up e-mail for the task.