Exernal Address Codes (tccom4160m000)

Use this session to store external address codes for these combinations:

  • Business partner and address code in LN.
  • Warehouse and address code in LN.

If present, the external address code for the warehouse or business partner address will be printed as part of DD 250 report.


Address Entity
Either Business Partner or Warehouse.
A business partner selected from the Business Partners (tccom4500m000) session, or a warehouse selected from the Warehouses (tcmcs0503m000) session.
The name of the business partner or warehouse.
An address selected from the Addresses (tccom4530m000) session.
External Address Code
A reference for registering the CAGE, DoDAAC or MAPAC code.
A description that can be used to indicate the type of address.


Address Details
Starts the Addresses (tccom4130s000) session.
Print External Address Codes
Starts the Print External Address Codes (tccom4460m000) session.