Bank Account by Pay-to Business Partner (tccom4125s000)

Use this session to maintain bank information for a pay-to business partner.


Pay-to BP
The business partner to which you pay invoices. This usually represents a supplier's accounts receivable department. The definition includes the default currency and exchange rate, the supplier's bank relation, the number of days within which you must pay the invoices, and if the business partner uses a factoring company.
Bank Account Code
Your code for the bank account.

Related topics

Bank Branch
Bank Branch
The bank branch.
Bank Address
The bank's address.
Bank Identifier
An eleven-character, alphanumeric code that identifies a bank. In various countries, a bank identifier is used to denote the bank to which an account belongs. For payments, for example, the bank identifier is used on a remittance form to denote a banking relation or a pay-to business partner.
Bank Account
The account number of the business partner with this bank.
Account Type

In some countries, you must make payments of a subcontractor's purchase invoices to a blocked account.

Bank Costs
The party that pays the bank costs.

For a business partner in Japan, select either of the following:

  • Costs Paid by Receiver
    If you select this option, standard bank charges will be deducted from the payment amount.
  • Negotiated Costs Paid by Receiver
    If you select this option, negotiated bank charges will be deducted from the payment amount. In this way, you will pass your discount to your business partner.

Standard and negotiated bank charges are specified in the Bank Charges (tfcmg0120m000) session.

Allowed values

Bank costs


Starts the Addresses (tccom4130s000) session, in which you can maintain or display the bank's address details.