Fax Number Details (Invoice-to BP) (tccom4112s300)

Use this session to to view and maintain an invoice-to business partner's fax number details.

Based on the field values in the Phone Number Data group box of the Countries (tcmcs0110s000) session, fax number details are automatically generated in this session when you specify a Fax number in the Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000) session. If a full fax number is not correctly split, you can change the number details.


Invoice-to Business Partner
The business partner to which you send invoices. This usually represents a customer's accounts payable department. The definition includes the default currency and exchange rate, invoicing method and frequency, information about the customer's credit limit, the terms and method of payment, and the related pay-by business partner.
Fax Number
The invoice-to business partner's full fax number.
Countries are the national states where your suppliers and customers are located. For each country you can define the country code, international dialing, telex, and fax codes.

Countries are part of the data that you must set up for tax reporting. In addition, items can be grouped and selected according to their country of origin.

City/Area Code
The city or area number in the full fax number.
Local Number
The local number in the full fax number.
The extension in the full fax number.