Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000)

Use this session to view, enter, and maintain sold-to business partners.

You can start this session from:

  • The Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4510m000) overview session, by double-clicking a record, or by entering a new sold-to business partner.
  • The Business Partners (tccom4500m000) overview session, by clicking Sold-to Business Partner on the appropriate menu.
  • The Business Partners (tccom4100s000) session, by clicking the Sold-to button.
  • Stand-alone.


Sold-to BP
Usually a customer's purchase department, the business partner who orders goods or services from your organization, that owns the configurations you maintain, or for whom you perform a project.

The agreement with the sold-to business partner can include the following:

  • Default price and discount agreements
  • Sales order defaults
  • Delivery terms
  • The related ship-to and invoice-to business partner
Address Code
The sold-to business partner's address.
Address Line 1
The first part of the address, as defaulted from the Address Line 1 field in the Addresses (tccom4130s000) session.
Address Line 2
The second part of the address, as defaulted from the Address Line 2 field in the Addresses (tccom4130s000) session.
Address Line 3
The third part of the address, as defaulted from the Address Line 3 field in the Addresses (tccom4130s000) session.
Address Line 4
The fourth part of the address, as defaulted from the Address Line 4 field in the Addresses (tccom4130s000) session.
Address Line 5
The fifth part of the address, as defaulted from the Address Line 5 field in the Addresses (tccom4130s000) session.
Address Line 6
The sixth part of the address, as defaulted from the Address Line 6 field in the Addresses (tccom4130s000) session.
Business Phone
The phone number at the business address.

If a full business phone number is specified, based on the field values in the Phone Number Data group box of the Countries (tcmcs0110s000) session, the full number is automatically split in the Business Phone Number Details (Sold-to BP) (tccom4110s200) session. Click the Details button to start this session.

Primary Contact
The business partner's primary contact.

If this field is filled, the sold-to business partner is also linked to the contact in the Business Partners by Contact (tccom4546m000) session.

Full Name
The contact's full name.
Use this field to enter a text related to the sold-to business partner.
Business Partner Status
Indicates the actions that can be carried out for the business partner. The status can be: Active, Inactive, or Potential.

For example, you cannot enter a sales order for a business partner with status Potential, or ship goods to a business partner with status Inactive.

If there are outstanding sales orders or open invoices for the business partner, you cannot change the status from Active to Prospect.

Allowed values

Business Partner Status

The date and time when this status takes effect.

If you leave this field empty, the status takes effect immediately.

The expiry date and time of the business partner's status.

If you leave this field empty, the status continues.

Created by
The user who defined the sold-to business partner.
Creation Date
The date the business partner data, business partner role data, or business partner address data was created.
Last Modified by
The user who last modified the business partner data, business partner role data, or business partner address data.
Last Modification Date
The date the business partner data, business partner role data, or business partner address data was last modified.
The language used for documents addressed to the sold-to business partner. If no document is available in this language, the document in the company language is used.
If you select a signal here, the signal message is displayed when you enter the business-partner code in an LN session.

Related topics

BP Type
A way to group business partners with similar characteristics, for example, members of the EU, or subject to specific customs rules.

A business-partner type is not the same as a business-partner role or financial business-partner group.

BP for Statistics Update
The business partner for whom LN updates the statistics in Order Management with transactions from the current business partner.

For example, you can enter the parent business partner. If this field is empty, LN updates the statistics for the current business partner.

Related topics

The business partner 's calendar.
Response Time
The response time you have agreed with the business partner.

Service uses the data in the Response Time field and the Priority field to calculate the urgency of a business partner's call.

Related topics

The priority for Service that is assigned to the business partner.

Service uses the data in the Response Time field and the Priority field to calculate the urgency of a business partner's call.


Specify the priority for Sales Control and Warehousing on the Shipping tab.

Related topics

The business partner's fax number at the business address.

If a full fax number is specified, based on the field values in the Phone Number Data group box of the Countries (tcmcs0110s000) session, the full number is automatically split in the Fax Number Details (Sold-to BP) (tccom4110s300) session. Click the Details button to start this session.

Business Information
The area in which the sold-to business partner is established.
Sales Territory
The sales territory to which the sold-to business partner is linked.
Line of Business
The sold-to business partner's line of business, which is used as a sorting criterion for the sales statistics.
Number of Employees
The number of employees that are working for the business partner.
Annual Revenue
The sold-to business partner's annual revenue.
Annual Revenue
The currency in which the annual revenue is expressed.
Industry Code
The codes that classify business partners by type of business based on a code list, as determined by the government authorities. These codes can be used to segment customers for territory management and campaigns. Examples of industry coding systems are: SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) and NAICS (North American Industry Classification System).
A definition of the ownership, such as private, public, or investment company.
The rating assigned to the sold-to business partner.
Rate Determiner
The way in which the exchange rate is determined that LN uses to convert the transaction currency into the local and reporting currencies.
Sales Price List
The price list that is used to link price agreements and/or discount agreements to the business partner.
Price List for Direct Delivery
The price list used in case of direct deliveries to the business partner. If an order line refers to a direct delivery, LN consults these agreements.
Order Discount
The business partner's default order discount percentage applied to sales orders.
Upper Margin
The percentage that the actual sales price is allowed to exceed the cost price.

The upper and lower margins enable you to monitor sales by using gross margins.

Specifying upper and lower margins only has an effect if you select at least one of the following parameters in the Margin Control Parameters (tdsls0120m000) session:

  • Signal
  • Log
  • Block
Lower Margin
The percentage that the actual sales price is allowed to be lower than the cost price.

The upper and lower margins enable you to monitor sales using gross margins.

Specifying upper and lower margins only has an effect if you select at least one of the following parameters in the Margin Control Parameters (tdsls0120m000) session:

  • Signal
  • Log
  • Block
B.P. for Prices/Discounts
The business partner for prices and discounts. You base prices and discounts for sales orders by the sold-to business partner on the terms and conditions that you agree with the business partner that you select here.

If you leave this field empty, you use the prices and discounts that you have agreed with the sold-to business partner specified on the sales order.


This business partner must have the same parent business-partner as the sold-to business partner defined in this session.

Calculate Additional Costs
If this check box is selected, additional costs can be calculated for the sold-to business partner.
Calculate Additional Costs For
Specify whether additional costs are calculated during the sales order procedure or the shipment procedure for the sold-to business partner.

You can select Shipments only if the Calculate Additional Costs for Shipments check box is selected in the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session.

Method of Additional Cost Calculation
Specify the level based on which the additional costs are calculated for the sold-to business partner.
Eligible for Promotion
If this check box is selected, The business partner is eligible for a promotion.

You can define promotions in the Promotion (tdpcg0140m000) session.

LN applies promotion automatically if the Apply Automatic Promotions check box is selected.

Apply Automatic Promotions
If this check box is selected, and the Eligible for Promotion check box is selected, promotions are applied automatically to the sold-to business partner in the Sales Order Promotion Data Link (tdsls4536m000) session.
Sales Office
The sales office responsible for sales to the sold-to business partner.

If the business partner places an order in a different sales office, LN issues a warning.

Internal Sales Rep
The employee of your company responsible for contact with the sold-to business partner.
External Sales Rep
Your company employee who calls on the sold-to business partner, mainly by visits.
Sales Order Type
The default sales order type for the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session.

If you leave this field empty, LN takes the default order type from the User Profiles (tdsls0139m000) session.

Our Supplier Number
The identification or code that the business partner uses for your organization.
List Group
The list group used to find the list item components when you sell a list item to this business partner.
Allow Alternative List Groups
If this check box is selected, during sales order line entry for the sold-to business partner, you can select list items from the list group that is linked to the business partner, as well as from other list groups.
The channel assigned to the business partner. This determines the quantity of goods that is available to promise for the business partner.

Related topics

EDI Chg. Resp.
The type of electronic data interchange (EDI) message sent to the business partner when you change the order.

Select Not Applicable for business partners that you have not set up for EDI in the Business Partner EDI Data by Network (ecedi0528m000) session.

Acknowledge by Exception
If you select this check box, only new and changed sales order lines to which you assign a sales acknowledgement code are printed on the sales order acknowledgement.

In this way, you can control which changes to the sales order lines must be printed on the sales order acknowledgement. This accommodates sold-to business partners with printing sales order acknowledgement in special cases only. For example, if you change the delivery date, item, and/or price.

If you clear this check box, sales order acknowledgements are printed for all order lines, regardless of the acknowledgement codes.

Use Confirmation
If this check box is selected, sold quantities must be confirmed by the supplier. Therefore, the Order Confirmation Date must be filled before a sales order can be approved or a sales schedule can be released to Warehousing.

This field is only visible if the Use Confirmation (Sales) check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.

If this check box is selected, self-billing applies to the business partner.

Related topics

Shipping Constraint
The default shipping constraint for the sold-to business partner. When you enter sales order lines, you can use this value or enter a different shipping constraint.

Allowed values

Possible Values

Customer Priority
The priority for shipments to the sold-to business partner. This priority is used in Sales Control and in Warehousing.

A low number represents a high priority. A high number represents a low priority.

Delivery Terms
The delivery terms agreed with the business partner.

Related topics

Point of Title Passage
The default point of title passage used for the business partner.

Related topics

Return Delivery Terms
The delivery terms agreed with the business partner concerning the delivery of goods in case of a return order.
Ship-to B.P.
The default ship-to business partner to which goods supplied to the sold-to business partner must be delivered.
Schedule Qty
The types of quantities that are communicated to the supplier.
Automatically Process Sales Schedule Releases
If this check box is selected, sales releases are automatically converted to sales schedules for this sold-to business partner.

If this check box is cleared, sales releases must be converted to sales schedules in the Process Sales Releases (tdsls3208m000) session. You can update sales releases before they are converted to sales schedules.

Related topics

Allow Shipment of Multiple Alternative Items
If this check box is selected, the sold-to business partner accepts the ordered item as well as alternative items in one shipment.

For example, if insufficient quantity of the ordered item is available, the shipment can contain the available quantity of the ordered item and additional quantities of alternative items that are required to reach the ordered quantity.

Invoice-to BP
The invoice-to business partner, to whom you send invoices for the sales orders received from this sold-to business partner.

One of the following must be true:

  • The sold-to business partner and the invoice-to business partner have the same parent business partner.
  • The sold-to business partner is the invoice-to business partner's parent.
Invoice BP for Freight
If this check box is selected, you charge the business partner for the freight costs of the sold goods.