Business Partner Withholding Tax Rates (tccom1128m000)

Use this session to import withholding tax rates and their effective dates from a file received from the tax authorities.

You cannot maintain the imported data. However, you can manually enter a new tax rate without an authorization date.



Invoice-from Business Partner
The business partner that sends invoices to your organization. This usually represents a supplier's accounts receivable department. The definition includes the default currency and exchange rate, invoicing method and frequency, information about your organization's credit limit, the terms and method of payment, and the related pay-to business partner.
Sequence Number
The number that identifies a data record or a step in a sequence of activities. Sequence numbers are used in many contexts. Usually LN generates the sequence number for the next item or step. Depending on the context, you can overwrite this number. You can sometimes influence the numbering by setting the corresponding parameters.
Effective From Date
The first day on which the withholding tax rate is valid.
Effective To Date
The last day on which the withholding tax rate is valid.
Apply Maximum Percentage
If this check box is selected, the maximum percentage as set in the Tax Classifications (tctax0116m000) session, will be used.
Tax Percentage
The tax percentage to be applied.
Authorized by Tax Authorities
If this check box is selected, the tax rate was authorized by the tax authorities.

Refers to 'Bookkeeping Authorization' in the tax authorities' file.

Authorization Date
The date on which the rate was authorized by the tax authorities.

Refers to the 'Permission File Date' in the tax authorities' file.

Last Modification Date
The date on which this line was last updated.

This date is used to check whether a new or changed effective rate was introduced after the creation of the payment advice (and effective before the planned payment date).