COM Parameters (tccom0000s000)

Use this session to:

  • View historical parameter settings
  • Modify current parameter settings

By default, the Description field contains the date and time when the previous parameter set was saved. In order to avoid confusion, if you change the parameters, change or delete the Description text as well.

Performance aspects

The settings in this session could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to COM and IBD parameters.


Introduction Date
The date and time that the parameters are valid. The parameters are valid up to the effective date of a more recent parameter setting.
The description of the parameter set. For example, you can indicate why you change the parameters.

LN enters the current date and time in this field by default. If you save the new parameter settings, the Effective Date column of the overview session will contain the date and time when you saved the parameters. Therefore you need not retain the current date and time in the Description field.

Business Partners
Business Partners
If you want to use a number group and series numbers for coding business partners, select this check box.

If you create a business partner, you must select a series from the number group. LN generates the business-partner code from the series code plus the first free number in the series.

If you want to enter your own code for a new business partner, clear this check box.

Business Partners
The number group used to generate business-partner codes.

Allowed values

Select a number group that is not already assigned to another purpose.

Series for Business Partners
The series used to generate business partner codes.
If you want to use a number group and series numbers for coding contacts, select this check box.

If you create a contact, you must select a series from the number group. LN generates the contact code from the series code plus the first free number in the series.

If you want to enter your own code for new contacts, clear this check box.

The number group used to generate contact codes.

Allowed values

Select a number group that is not already assigned to another purpose.

Series for Contacts
The series used to generate contact codes.
Initials Based On
Define whether initials for contacts are derived from the First and Middle Name only, or from the Full Name (first, middle, and last name).


If the full name is Sophie Anne de Vries, the initials are the following:

  • First and Middle Name
  • Full Name
Synchronize Contacts
If this check box is selected, contacts must be synchronized to Microsoft Exchange.

Contacts are only synchronized from LN to MS Exchange. Updates of contacts in MS Exchange are not synchronized.


If contacts must be synchronized, it is mandatory to enter ISO codes in the Countries (tcmcs0510m000) and Languages (tcmcs0146m000) sessions.

If you want to use a number group and series numbers for coding addresses, select this check box.

If you create an address, you must select a series from the number group. LN generates the address code from the series code plus the first free number in the series.

If you want to enter your own code for new addresses, clear this check box.

The number group used to generate address codes.

Allowed values

Select a number group that is not already assigned to another purpose.

Series for Addresses
The series used to generate address codes.
Number Group
Series for Tasks
Series for Appointments
Series for Calls
Series for Mailings
Series for Emails
Path for Attachments
The path on the server where attachments are stored for e-mails.

If this field is empty, you cannot link attachments to an e-mail.

Maximum Email Size
The maximum file size of an e-mail including attachments, expressed in MB.
Synchronize Activities
If this check box is selected, calls and appointments must be synchronized between LN and Microsoft Exchange as calendar events.
Delivery Points
Delivery Points
If this check box is selected, LN creates a number group and series numbers for delivery points. If this check box is cleared, you can manually specify the codes for new delivery points.

If you create a delivery point, you must select a series from the number group. LN generates the delivery point code from the series code plus the first free number in the series.

Number Group for Delivery Points
The number group used to generate delivery point codes.

Allowed values

Select a number group that is not already assigned to another purpose.

Series for Delivery Points
The series used to generate delivery point codes.
Financial Data
Destination Sales Tax Applicable
If the company must register destination sales tax data, select this check box.

If this check box is selected, LN derives the default tax codes from the Geo codes of the delivery addresses on orders to calculate the tax amounts of each transaction and to determine the ledger accounts to which the tax amounts are posted.

If this check box is cleared, LN uses the default tax codes linked to the items and other cost objects on the order to calculate the tax amounts and to determine the ledger accounts to which the tax amounts are posted.

Related topics

Include Tax in Order Balance
If this check box is selected, LN includes the tax amounts when composing the sales order balance and the purchase order balance.

Including the tax amount in the order balance requires recalculating the tax amount whenever an order line changes. If you use a tax provider, the tax provider must be activated to recalculate the tax amounts. Therefore, composing order balances that include the tax amounts can take some time.

Transportation Time
Usage Distance Tables
This parameter determines whether distance tables are used to calculate distances between two addresses. If so, the distances are searched for in a specific sequence that is indicated by this parameter.
  • None

    The distance tables are not used, and therefore no distance is calculated.

  • By City
  • By ZIP Code
  • Both, by ZIP Code First
  • Both, by City First

LN uses this information to determine order and delivery dates in:

  • Sales Control
  • Purchase Control
  • Service Order Control

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to COM and IBD parameters.

Time Unit for Seconds
The time unit in which the distance (time needed to cover the distance) between two delivery addresses is expressed.

The unit must be of the Time type and must be expressed in seconds in order to enable distance calculations based on time in these sessions:

  • Distance Table by City (tccom4537m000)
  • Distance Table by ZIP Code/Postal Code (tccom4538m000)
Distance Unit for Meters
The length unit in which the distance between two delivery addresses is expressed.

The unit must be of the Length type and must be expressed in meters in order to enable distance calculations in these sessions:

  • Distance Table by City (tccom4537m000)
  • Distance Table by ZIP Code/Postal Code (tccom4538m000)
Avail. Type for Carrying Goods
The default availability type for goods transport. This availability type determines the calendar working hours that are used to calculate transportation times for all LN packages, including Freight.
Bing Maps Key Implemented
If your company uses Bing Maps, select this check box.
Bing Maps Key
Enter the key for Bing Maps.
Google Maps API Implemented
If your company uses the Google Maps API, select this check box.
Google Maps API License Key
Enter the license key for the Google Maps API.
Archive General Data only via Dedicated Session
If this check box is selected, you can archive general data only by using the Archive General Data (tccom0250m000) session.

If this check box is cleared, to archive general data, you can use both the Archive General Data (tccom0250m000) session and the Archive General Data check box in the archiving sessions of the other LN packages.


To force your organization to apply the most efficient archiving method, select this check box.

To allow your organization to continue the archiving procedures used in older LN releases, clear this check box.

Performance aspects

The settings in this session could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Clean up data.