Loads and Shipments pane propertiesThe Loads and Shipments pane is located at the lower right of the Graphical Plan Board (fmlbd0215m000) session. Objects displayed The Loads and Shipments pane displays the loads, shipment, and shipment lines of the load plan that you highlight in the Load Plan pane. These data are presented in a tree structure. The tree structure has the following levels, of which level one is the highest level:
Loads For loads, the following information is displayed:
Shipments For shipments, the following information is displayed:
Shipment lines For shipment lines, the following information is displayed:
Buttons Below the display section of the Loads and Shipments pane various buttons are available for load, shipment, and shipment line maintenance. For further information, see To modify load plans using the Graphical Plan Board (fmlbd0215m000). Object manipulation In the Loads and Shipments pane, the following object manipulation options are available: Add object To add a freight order line to a shipment, drag and drop the freight order line from the Freight Orders pane to the relevant shipment in the Loads and Shipments pane. As a result, the freight order line is added to the shipment as a freight order line. To add a load to a plan, in the Loads and Shipments pane, highlight the load plan and click Add a New Load, which is enabled when you select the load plan. As a result, the Loads (fmlbd4100m000) session starts, in which you can insert the load details. After saving the data in this session, the new load appears in the Loads and Shipments pane. To add a shipment to a load, highlight the load and click Add a New Shipment, which is enabled when you highlight the load to which you want to add a shipment. As a result, the Shipments (fmlbd3100m000) session starts, in which you can enter the required shipment data. The load data are defaulted from the highlighted load. To add a shipment line to a shipment, highlight the shipment and click Add a New Shipment Line, which is enabled when you highlight the shipment to which you want to add a shipment line. As a result, the Shipment Lines (fmlbd3150m000) session starts, in which you can enter the required shipment line data. The shipment data are defaulted from the highlighted shipment. Use menu options to add object You can also use the options from the Loads and Shipments submenu on the appropriate menu to add loads to plans, shipments to loads, or shipment lines to shipments. To add a load to a load plan, highlight the plan (in the Loads and Shipments) pane and select the relevant option from the Loads and Shipments submenu. To add a shipment to a load, highlight the load and select the relevant option from the Loads and Shipments submenu. To add a shipment line to a shipment, highlight the shipment and select the relevant option from the Loads and Shipments submenu. Copy object You can copy loads, shipments, and shipment lines as follows:
As a result, the relevant session starts, in which you can adjust the copied data. After you save the data in this session, the new object appears in the Loads and Shipments pane. To copy an object, you can also highlight the object and click the Copy button in the toolbar. Move or cut and paste To move a shipment from one load to the next, drag the shipment to the required load. To move a shipment line from one shipment to the next, drag the shipment line to the required shipment. You cannot move shipments or shipment lines to other load plans. Alternatively, you can cut and paste a shipment to another load of the same plan, or cut and paste a shipment line to another shipment of the same load. Move to remove from load plan To remove a load, shipment, or shipment line from a load plan, drag the object you want to remove to the Freight Orders pane. As a result, the underlying objects (shipment lines for shipments, or shipments for loads) are removed as well and the freight orders or freight order lines on which the object was based are available for replanning. Note A BOM line includes the components of a shipment line. You cannot move a BOM line independently from the shipment line to which the BOM line belongs. Delete object To delete loads, shipments, and shipment lines, highlight the
object you want to delete and click Note By default, drag and drop actions are definite after you click Yes in the dialog box that appears after you drop an object. If you disable the display of confirmation messages, drag-and-drop actions are definite immediately without confirmation. To adjust confirmation message settings, select Options from the Tools menu. Sometimes, you cannot move freight order lines, shipment lines, or shipments because the data of these objects do not match the data of the objects to which you want to move them. In these cases, error messages appear that inform you about the cause of the problem.
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