Load Plan pane properties

The Load Plan pane is located in the lower left corner of the Graphical Plan Board (fmlbd0215m000) session.

Objects displayed

The Load Plan pane displays the load plans allocated to the planning group that you highlight in the Planning Group pane, and load plans that you create while currently using the Graphical Plan Board (fmlbd0215m000) session.

You can see whether a load plan is Actual if, in the column header titled Actual, a V is displayed for the plan. In addition, for each load plan, the planning algorithm used to create the plan, the description, and the freight costs are displayed.

To view shipment and load information of a plan, you must highlight a plan. The shipment and load information is then displayed in the Loads and Shipments pane properties.

Object manipulation

In the toolbar, you can click Delete to delete highlighted load plans.

Below the display section of the Load Plan pane, various buttons are available for load plan maintenance. For further information, see To modify load plans using the Graphical Plan Board (fmlbd0215m000).