Address lead times

Address lead times are the loading and unloading lead times at addresses. Address lead times are included in load building.

Loading and unloading lead time is the time required for loading and unloading at a particular address, added with the waiting time for loading and unloading, and the loading and unloading tolerances. Loading and unloading tolerances are defined for individual addresses in the Addresses - Freight Management (fmfmd0110m000) session. Default loading and unloading tolerances are defined in the Freight Order Control Parameters (fmfoc0100m000) session.

Within the time span determined by the tolerances, you can fine-tune the planned load and unload dates by means of the planned date determiner. For further information on the planned date determiner, refer to To use the planned date determiner options.

The calendars of the addresses are used in address lead time calculation as well. This helps avoid planning loading or unloading activities at times no one is available at the addresses.

Address lead times include the following elements:

Lead times
  • Waiting Time for Loading
  • Time for Loading
  • Waiting Time for Unloading
  • Time for Unloading
  • Earliest Load Date
  • Latest Load Date
  • Earliest Unload Date
  • Latest Unload Date
  • Loading During Calendar Time Window
  • Unloading During Calendar Time Window

If, because of the lead times, a carrier cannot deliver on time, a different carrier, with possibly a different transport means group or transport means combination, is chosen. This can result in higher transportation costs. In the Freight Planning Parameters (fmlbd0100m000) session, the following criteria for carrier, route plan, and standard route selection are available in the Carrier Selection Criterion field:

  • Cheapest
  • Fastest
  • Shortest