Generate Plan (fmlbd0280m000)

Use this session to create load plans.

Freight planning is based on freight orders. To plan the transportation of a particular number of goods, you must select the freight orders and freight order lines on which these goods are listed, select the preferred planning options, and start up the freight planning engine. The result is a load plan for the selected freight orders and freight order lines that consists of a number of shipments and loads.


Add to Existing Plan
Add to Existing Plan
If this check box is selected, the load plan is added to an existing load plan that you can select in the Plan field. How the selected freight orders are added to the selected load plan, is determined by the option selected in the Replanning of Freight Orders field.
The load plan to which the freight orders selected in this session must be added.
Only Freight Order Lines to be Replanned
If this check box is selected, of the selected freight order range, only the freight order lines that must be replanned are added to the existing plan.
Shipping Office
The load plan will be created for freight orders that are allocated to the selected shipping office.
Planning Group
One of the planning groups of the Shipping Office selected in the Shipping Office field. Freight order lines of the selected planning group will be used to create the load plan.

Related topics

Planning Algorithm
Planning Algorithm
The planning algorithm that is used to create a load plan for the selected range of freight orders.

Related topics

Selection Range
Freight Order
A commission to transport a particular number of goods. A freight order includes an order header and one or more order lines.

A freight order header includes some general information, such as the delivery date and the name and address of the customer who is to receive the goods listed on the freight order.

A freight order line includes an item to be transported and some details about the item, such as the quantity and the dimensions.

The freight order line number.
The freight order line number.
Only freight orders with the Expected, Planned, or Actual status can be selected for load building.
Planned Load Date
The planned loading date of the freight orders.
Planned Unload Date
The planned unloading date of the freight orders.
Replanning of Freight Orders
Replanning of Freight Orders
If changes are made to freight order header or freight order line data, the freight order lines must be replanned. The default setting in this field is taken from the Replanning of Freight Orders field in the Freight Planning Parameters (fmlbd0100m000) session.
Shipment Planned Dates Based On
Shipment Planned Dates Based On
The time span defined in loading and unloading time windows of freight orders can be large. This can result in planned shipment loading and unloading dates that differ considerably from the planned loading and unloading dates of the originating orders of the freight orders. You can use the following options to control the way the load building engine calculates the planned loading and unloading dates for shipments.
Carrier/LSP Selection Criterion
Carrier Selection Criterion
The default Carrier Selection Criterion is defined in the Freight Planning Parameters (fmlbd0100m000) session. You can use the default Carrier Selection Criterion or select one of the available options.
FM Leading Load Plan
If this check box is selected, changes made by Warehousing to load plans created by Freight are checked by Freight. For example, if Warehousing wants to move a shipment created by Freight to another load, Freight performs a check on:
  • The available capacity of the transport means group assigned to the load.
  • The transport type of the load.
  • The combination code of the load.
  • The planning groups of the order lines related to the shipment and the load.

The combination code and the transport type of the shipment and the load must match.

Also, the planning groups of the order lines related to the shipment and the load must match.

If this check box is cleared, Freight does not perform these checks. Shipments and loads created by Freight and Warehousing, can be viewed in the Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000) session.

Allow Means of Transport in Multiple Plans
If this check box is selected, individual means of transport are available to be scheduled for more than one load plan that has the Planned status.
Calculate Additional Costs
If this check box is selected, additional costs are calculated if additional costs apply to any of the freight orders of the selected range.
Detailed Planning Log
If this check box is selected, additional information about the creation process of the load plan is generated while the load plan is created. This information provides more insight into the planning algorithm used and helps the user solve any errors in the load plan. The information is displayed in the Planning Log (fmlbd0530m000) session.
Plan with Committed Inventory Only
If this check box is selected, the generated plan will only include freight order lines for which the inventory is partially or entirely committed, and only the committed inventory is included in the plan.
Print to predefined Device
If this check box is selected, LN selects the default device defined for the user profile to print the report.

By default, this field is checked by LN.

If this check box is selected, a report of the load plan is generated.
Device Selection by
The output device used to print or display the report or reports.
  • Default Device
    The reports are printed or displayed by the default output device specified in the Default Devices by User (fmfmd1140m000) session.
  • Specific Device
    To print or display the reports, select the output device from the Select Device (ttstpsplopen ) dialog box that appears after you launch the process.
Combine Fulfillments into Shipments
Combine Fulfillments into Shipments
The time interval based on which LN combines the fulfillment plan lines into a single shipment. The following are the available options based on which the fulfillment plan lines are combined:
  • : Fulfillments for the exact shipping date and time are combined into a shipment, otherwise new shipments are created.

  • : Fulfillments for the same shipping day date (between 0:00 and 24:00) are combined into a shipment, otherwise new shipments are created.

  • : All fulfillments with a shipping date for the values specified in the Planned Load Date field range are combined. The From and To fields define a range of: Planned Load Date in this session.

  • : All fulfillments for which the next fulfillment shipping date is in range of the tolerance are combined. For example, fulfillment 1 is at 10:00, and the tolerance specified is 2 hours. LN combines all fulfillments between 8:00 and 12:00 hours. A fulfillment at 13:00 hours is planned in another shipment.

The time interval starting from the shipping date of the fulfillment plan line based on which the fulfillment plan lines are combined into a single order. You can change the time unit of this field by selecting the unit of measurement.

The field is enabled only when you select the Shipping Date within Tolerance option based on which the fulfillment plan lines are combined into a single shipment.
