Freight Invoicing Information (fmfri0110m000)

Use this session to view and maintain the invoicing information of the current freight order line. In this session, you can enter the invoicing details. If the invoicing method is Client Rates, you can enter or calculate the invoice amount and overwrite any calculations generated by the Freight calculation engine.

In addition, in this session you can access the Release to Invoicing (fmfri0210m000) session to release freight orders to Invoicing. Alternatively, you can select individual freight order lines and release them to Invoicing by means of the Release to Invoicing command on the appropriate menu or the toolbar.


Freight Order Line
The freight order header of the freight order line for which the invoicing information is maintained.
Freight Order Line
The number used to identify the position of the freight order line for which the invoicing information is maintained.
Invoice To
The type of business partner for which the invoicing information is maintained.
Sold-to BP
The sold-to business partner is defaulted from the ship-to business partner of the freight order header. This business partner is invoiced with the freight costs if Carriage Paid is not included in the Delivery Terms that apply to the freight order or the originating sales order to which the current freight order line belongs. If Carriage Paid is included in the Delivery Terms, you cannot invoice the business partner for freight costs.
Sold-to Address
The address to which the goods listed on the current freight order line are shipped. The address of the sold-to business partner is taken as the default value in this field.
Sold-to Address
The address to which the goods listed on the current freight order line are shipped. The address of the sold-to business partner is taken as the default value in this field.
Invoice-to BP
The invoice-to business partner is taken from the invoice-to business partner of the ship-to business partner or warehouse of the freight order header. If required, you can change the default business partner.
Invoice-to Address
The address to which the invoice is sent. The default address is taken from the Invoice-to BP of the ship-to business partner or warehouse listed on the freight order or originating order to which the current freight order line belongs.
Responsible Entity Type
The type of department that is receives the current internal invoice. Invoicing relations between departments are defined in Enterprise Modeler.
Responsible Entity Code
The department code of the department that receives the current internal invoice. Invoicing relations between departments are defined in Enterprise Modeler.
If this check box is selected, the internal invoice is exempted from tax.
Tax Country
The country whose taxation regulations apply to the current internal invoice.
Tax ID
A number used to identify legal persons or businesses. The tax authorities assign the tax numbers to the registered businesses. Your business partners must provide you with their tax number. Business partners without a tax number are considered to be private persons.
Tax Code
Definition of the country-specific tax data, for example, the type of tax (single or multiple), the collection office, the tax rates, and any text that must be printed on invoices to which a specific kind of tax applies.
BP Tax Country
The country whose taxation regulations apply to the business partner that receives the current internal invoice.
Invoice-to Address
The address to which the invoice is sent.
The business partner's tax ID.
Tax Exempt Reason Code
The reason code for being exempt from taxation for the internal invoice.
Tax Exemption Certificate
A certificate certifying the state of being exempt from tax. Some enterprises are exempt from taxes within the jurisdiction of certain tax authorities. This applies to internal invoices.
Pay-by BP
The pay-by business partner is defaulted from the pay-by business partner of the ship-to business partner or warehouse listed on the freight order or originating order to which the current freight order line belongs. Business partners are maintained in the Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000) session. If required, you can change the default business partner.
Pay-from Address
The address of the pay-by business partner. This is the address from which the payments are made.
Pay-from Address
The address of the pay-by business partner. This is the address from which the payments are made.
Open Balance
This field displays the balance of all outstanding freight costs of the sold-to business partner.
Open Balance
The currency by which the balance is expressed.
Invoice Based On
The invoicing method used to determine the costs of transportation for which the external business partner will be invoiced.
Invoice Status
The status of the invoice to the external business partner. Invoice Status
Invoice Difference Status
The status of the invoice difference. Invoice Status
Invoice Status (Accounts Payable)
The status of the invoice to the internal business partner. Invoice Status
The cost-plus percentage is a percentage of the carrier costs that will be added to the invoice to the business partner. Cost-plus is not applicable for invoices based on client rates. In this session, you can only define cost-plus percentages for manually created freight orders. For freight orders derived from other orders, the cost-plus percentages are set at the invoice-to business partner. You can either add a cost-plus amount or a cost-plus percentage to an invoice, however, you cannot add both.
The cost-plus amount, which is an amount that will be added to the invoice to the business partner. Cost-plus is not applicable for invoices based on client rates. In this session, you can only define cost-plus amounts for manually created freight orders. For freight orders derived from other orders, the cost-plus amounts are set at the invoice-to business partner. You can either add a cost-plus amount or a cost-plus percentage to an invoice, however, you cannot add both.
Estimated Cost
The freight cost amount. This amount is calculated before the actual transportation costs are known.

If load building has been carried out on the current freight order line, the amount in this field is filled automatically. The amount is derived from the estimated freight costs of the loads and shipments created from the current freight order line. Freight cost calculation is an integral part of the load building process. The estimated freight costs are based on the carrier rates, which are stored in Pricing.

Actual Cost
If a carrier invoice is used to determine the actual costs for the freight order of the current freight order line, this field shows the actual freight costs derived from the carrier invoice. If the carrier invoice is approved in the Accounts Payable module of Financials, the actual costs are updated in Freight and displayed in this field.

If no carrier invoice is used to determine the actual costs for the freight order of the current freight order line, this field shows the aggregated actual costs of the cluster lines or shipment lines created from the current freight order line. The actual costs are calculated by the Carrier Invoice check box on the load or cluster of the current freight order.

Actual Cost Final
If this check box is selected, the carrier invoice for the shipment lines created from the current freight order line is matched and approved in Invoicing.
Invoice Amount
The amount that is invoiced to the internal or external business partner. If the invoicing method is client rates, this amount can be calculated or entered manually.

Related topics

Amount to be Released
The amount to be released to Invoicing. Usually, this is the invoice amount. However, if the invoicing method is Freight Costs (Update Allowed), the amount with which the invoice is updated must also be released. For example, the invoice amount is USD 100. You release this amount for invoicing. Then, the invoice amount is changed to USD 120. Now the amount to be released is USD 20.
Invoice Amount Binding
If this check box is selected, the freight costs cannot be changed. If the invoicing method is Client Rates, you can calculate the Invoice Amount and select this check box to make sure that the amount is not recalculated or changed manually. This check box is disabled and selected if the freight costs calculated for the originating sales order line are made binding. To make this line binding, the Freight Amount Binding check box is selected in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session. This check box is unavailable if the invoicing method is Freight Costs or Freight Costs (Update Allowed).
Recalculate Invoice Amount
If this check box is selected, the invoice amount must be manually recalculated due to partial deliveries or over-deliveries.

If the invoicing method is Client Rates, you can change the invoice amount manually or recalculate the invoice amount in this session.

If the invoicing method is Freight Costs or Freight Costs (Update Allowed), the freight costs of the shipment lines created from the current freight order line must be calculated or changed.

Invoice Currency
The factor by which an amount in a different currency is multiplied to calculate the amount in the currency base.
Exchange Rate Type
A way to group currency exchange rates. You can assign different currency exchange rates to different invoice-to business partners and/or to different types of transactions (purchase, sales, and so on).
Rate Determiner
An agreed exchange rate that is used, for example, for a project, regardless of future exchange-rate fluctuations.
Rate Date
The effective date of the currency rates used for the current invoicing information.
Currency Rate
The factor by which an amount in a different currency is multiplied to calculate the amount in the currency base.
Rate Factor
The factor by which the amount in the transaction currency or the invoice currency is divided before LN converts it to a home currency. A rate factor is often used for currencies that have a relatively low price, for example, Korean Won.
The Financial company for which the invoice is recorded.
Cut Off Date
The date on which the invoice is released to Invoicing for the first time.
Invoice Date
The entry date of the freight cost invoice that is sent to the business partner.
Transaction Type
The transaction type of the current invoice generated by Invoicing.

Related topics

Invoice Difference
If this check box is selected, the difference between the calculated freight cost amount and the amount from the carrier invoice will be invoiced to the Business partner. This check box is selected when the difference between the carrier invoice and the calculated freight cost amount is equal to or higher than the amount and/or the percentage specified in the If amount greater than field and the If greater than field in the Freight Invoicing Parameters (fmfri0100m000) session.
Cut Off Date
The date on which the invoice difference is released to Invoicing for the first time.
Invoice Date
The entry date of the invoice sent to the business partner for the difference between the estimated freight costs and the freight costs from the carrier invoice.
Transaction Type
The transaction type of the invoice sent to the business partner charging him for the difference between the calculated freight costs and the freight costs derived from the carrier invoice.
The invoice number for the invoice stating the difference between the previously released freight costs and the updated actual freight costs still to be paid by the external business partner.
Invoice Company
The company for which the internal freight invoice is generated in the Accounts Payable module of Financials.
Invoice Date
The date on which the internal freight invoice is generated in the Accounts Payable module of Financials.
Transaction Type
The transaction type used to generate the internal freight invoice in the Accounts Payable module of Financials.
Invoice Number
The invoice number of the generated internal freight invoice in the Accounts Payable module of Financials.
Link to Monthly Billing Invoice
If this check box is selected, the Invoice to the business partner must be linked to a monthly billing invoice.
Payment Terms
The payment terms that apply to the current load or freight order. The default value in this field is taken from the Payment Terms of the originating order. This applies only to internal invoices.
Late Payment Surcharge
The late payment surcharge that applies to the current Freight order. The default value in this field is taken from the originating order. This applies only to internal invoices.
Payment Method
The default payment method is taken from the originating order from which the current freight order line is derived. This applies only to internal invoices.
Sales Type
sales type This enables different control accounts to be used for one invoice-to business partner.

Related topics

Invoice Entity Logistic Company
The logistic company of the department that sends the invoice.
Invoice Entity Type
The entity type of the department that sends the invoice.
Invoice Entity Code
The identity code of the department that sends the invoice.
If this check box is selected, the external invoice is exempt from taxation.
Tax Country
The country whose taxation regulations apply to the current external invoice.
Tax ID
A number used to identify legal persons or businesses. The tax authorities assign the tax numbers to the registered businesses. Your business partners must provide you with their tax number. Business partners without a tax number are considered to be private persons.
Tax Code
Definition of the country-specific tax data, for example, the type of tax (single or multiple), the collection office, the tax rates, and any text that must be printed on invoices to which a specific kind of tax applies.
BP Tax Country
The country whose taxation regulations apply to the business partner that receives the current external invoice.
The business partner's tax ID.
Tax Exempt Reason Code
The reason code for being exempt from taxation for the external invoice.
Tax Exemption Certificate
A certificate certifying the state of being exempt from tax. Some enterprises are exempt from taxes within the jurisdiction of certain tax authorities. This applies to external invoices.
Responsible Internal BP
The internal business partner related to the shipping office. This is the business partner that sends the internal invoice.
Payment Agreement
A schedule for the generation of monthly billing invoices. For example, you can define a closing method to generate two monthly billing invoices during a month: one on the 15th day and one at the end of the month. This only applies to internal invoices.
Purchase Type
purchase type This enables different control accounts to be used for one Invoice-from business partner. Purchase types are only used for internal invoices.

Related topics

Responsible Logistical Company
The logistic company of the internal business partner that receives an internal invoice for the freight costs.


Log Calculate Invoice Amount
Creates a report of the steps that are executed when invoice amounts are calculated. The report also shows the setup information used to retrieve a rate. The report is displayed at the end of the carrier/LSP selection and costing process. The report shows, for example, why a specific rate is used or why no rate is retrieved at all, or why a certain carrier/lsp is selected and so on.
Use this command to calculate the freight costs of the current freight order line. This option is only available if the invoicing method is Client Rates.
Start the Addresses (tccom4130s000) session to view or maintain the details of the sold-to address.
Start the Addresses (tccom4130s000) session to view or maintain the details of the invoice-to address.
Start the Addresses (tccom4130s000) session to view or maintain the details of the pay-from address.
Print Freight Orders
Start the Print Freight Orders (fmfoc2400m000) session.
Release to Invoicing
Use this command to release the highlighted freight order line to Invoicing.

For further information, see The invoicing process.

Release to Invoicing
Start the Release to Invoicing (fmfri0210m000) session.

For further information, see The invoicing process.

View Lines to be Released
Use this command to view the freight order lines that must be released to Invoicing.
View All Lines
Use this command to view all freight order lines.
Start the Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000) session to view or maintain the details of the sold-to business partner.
Start the Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000) session to view or maintain the details of the invoice-to business partner.
Start the Pay-by Business Partners (tccom4114s000) session to view or maintain the details of the pay-by business partner.
Print Draft Invoices
Start the Print Draft Invoices (fmfri0410m100) session.