Generate Freight Order Clusters (fmfoc3200m000)

Use this session to generate freight order clusters from freight order lines. A freight order cluster consists of a header and freight order cluster lines. A freight order cluster line is the identification of a freight order line that is allocated to the cluster. Freight order lines are combined into a cluster if particular properties match, such as shipping offices, planning groups, ship-from and ship-to addresses, and so on.

To select the freight order lines that must be clustered, you must enter the selection criteria for these lines in this session. Freight order lines are selected on the criteria that you enter in the fields in the Selection Range area of this session.


Shipping Office
The shipping office linked to the freight orders of the freight order lines that you want to cluster.
Shipping Office
The description of the shipping office linked to the freight orders of the freight order lines that you want to cluster.
Planning Group
The planning group linked to the freight order lines that you want to cluster.
Planning Group
The description of the planning group linked to the freight order lines that you want to cluster.
Cluster Reference
The description for the cluster.
Selection Range
Freight Order
The range of freight orders to which the freight order lines belong that you want to cluster. The freight orders, in turn, belong to the shipping office and planning group combination entered previously. If you only want to cluster the lines of a single freight order, enter the identification code of this freight order in both the From and To fields. If you want to select freight orders that do not fall in a range, for example, freight orders 10002, 10883, and 52034, use the Specific Order(s) command.
Freight Order
The range of freight orders to which the freight order lines belong that you want to cluster. The freight orders, in turn, belong to the shipping office and planning group combination entered previously. If you only want to cluster the lines of a single freight order, enter the identification code of this freight order in both the From and To fields. To select freight orders that do not fall in a range, for example, freight orders 10002, 10883, and 52034, use the Specific Order(s) command.
A range of freight order lines that belong to the freight orders entered in the From and To fields. Usually, you only use this option if you entered a single freight order number in the Freight Order From and To fields.
A range of freight order lines that belong to the freight orders entered in the Freight Order From and To fields. Usually, you only use this option if you entered a single freight order number in the Freight Order From and To fields.
Transport Means Group
A range of transport means groups that are linked to the freight order lines that you want to cluster. For example, if you do not want to subcontract all goods included in the freight order range entered previously, but only petrochemicals that must be transported in oil tankers and tank cars, enter the relevant user-defined transport means groups.
Transport Means Group
A range of transport means groups that are linked to the freight order lines that you want to cluster. For example, if you do not want to subcontract all goods included in the freight order range entered previously, but only petrochemicals that must be transported in oil tankers and tank cars, enter the relevant user-defined transport means groups.
Transport Means Combination
A combined means of transport that consists of various vehicle types and/or means of transport which jointly transport a load. If a transport means combination includes more than one means of transport, Freight can perform load building for more than one means of transport per load. Transport means combinations are also used in freight order clustering. A transport means combination shows the combined means of transport that is to transport the goods listed on a freight order cluster.
Transport Means Combination
A combined means of transport that consists of various vehicle types and/or means of transport which jointly transport a load. If a transport means combination includes more than one means of transport, Freight can perform load building for more than one means of transport per load. Transport means combinations are also used in freight order clustering. A transport means combination shows the combined means of transport that is to transport the goods listed on a freight order cluster.
Transport Type
A range of transport types that are linked to the freight order lines that must be clustered. For example, if you do not want to subcontract all goods included in the freight order range entered previously, but only those products that require particular transport conditions, enter the relevant range of transport types.
Transport Type
A range of transport types that are linked to the freight order lines that must be clustered. For example, if you do not want to subcontract all goods included in the freight order range entered previously, but only those products that require particular transport conditions, enter the relevant range of transport types.
Planned Load Date
A range of planned load dates for freight orders. Freight orders from the specified freight order range will be selected if their planned load dates fall in the range of planned load dates that you enter in these fields.
Planned Load Date
A range of planned load dates for freight orders. Freight orders from the specified freight order range will be selected if their planned load dates fall in the range of planned load dates that you enter in these fields.
Planned Unload Date
A range of planned unload dates for freight orders. Of the freight order range entered previously, freight orders with planned unload dates that falls within the range entered in these field will be selected.
Planned Unload Date
A range of planned unload dates for freight orders. Of the freight order range entered previously, freight orders with planned unload dates that falls within the range entered in these field will be selected.
Carrier/LSP Selection Criterion
Carrier Selection Criterion
The carrier selection criteria are used to select the best carrier for the freight order cluster. The default value of this field is set in the Freight Planning Parameters (fmlbd0100m000) session.
Update Freight Order Clusters for Already Clustered Order Lines
If this check box is selected, freight costs are recalculated and carriers are selected for all existing Clustered and Actual freight order clusters. This parameter is useful for clusters for which no suitable carrier was found previously.
Calculate Additional Costs
If this check box is selected, additional costs are calculated if additional costs apply to any of the freight orders of the selected range. For further information, see To allocate additional costs.
Print to predefined Device
If this check box is selected, LN selects the default device defined for the user profile to print the report.

By default this field is checked by LN.

If this check box is selected, an error/success report about the clustering process is printed.
Combine Fulfillments into Clusters
Combine Fulfillments into Clusters
The time interval based on which LN combines the fulfillment plan lines into a freight order cluster. The following are the available options based on which the fulfillment plan lines are combined:
  • Per Exact Shipping Date/Time: Fulfillments for the exact shipping date and time are combined into a shipment, otherwise new shipments are created.

  • For Shipping Date: Fulfillments for the same shipping day date (between 0:00 and 24:00) are combined into a shipment, otherwise new shipments are created.

  • Up to and Incl. Planned Load Date: All fulfillments with a shipping date for the values specified in the Planned Load Date field range are combined. The From and To fields define a range of: Planned Load Date in this session.

  • Shipping Date within Tolerance: All fulfillments for which the next fulfillment shipping date is in range of the tolerance are combined. For example, fulfillment 1 is at 10:00, and the tolerance specified is 2 hours. LN combines all fulfillments between 8:00 and 12:00 hours. A fulfillment at 13:00 hours is planned in another shipment.

The time interval starting from the shipping date of the fulfillment plan line based on which the fulfillment plan lines are combined into a freight order cluster. You can change the time unit of this field by selecting the unit of measurement.

The field is enabled only when you select the Shipping Date within Tolerance option based on which the fulfillment plan lines are combined into a freight order cluster.



After you enter the freight order selection criteria and select the preferred clustering options, you must click this command to start the freight order clustering batch process. Freight order lines that match these criteria are then grouped into clusters, according to matching properties. For example, if you select freight order lines in this session that are linked to a particular shipping office, planning group, and transport means group, freight order lines that match these properties are grouped into clusters with matching addresses, time windows, carriers, and so on.
Specific Order(s)
If you want to select freight orders that do not fall in a range, such as freight orders 10002, 10883, and 52034, use this command to access the Specific Order Selection (fmfoc2800m000) session.
Reset Selection
Click this command to reset your selection. If you click this command, the previous selection appears.