Users by Shipping Office and Planning Group (fmfoc1105m000)

Use this session to view and maintain authorizations for the use of planning groups and shipping offices. The purpose is that only authorized users must be enabled to use planning groups and shipping offices to perform load building and/or freight order clustering. Authorizations are given for combinations of shipping offices and planning groups.

To grant permission to use a planning group and shipping office, select a shipping office and a planning group. Then, enter the login code of the user who is to be authorized to use this combination of shipping office and planning group.


Planning Group
An entity that is used to group freight order lines into shipments and loads or freight order clusters.

Each freight order line is allocated to a planning group. Freight order lines with different planning groups cannot be in the same shipment, load, or freight order cluster. For example, all goods destined for Belgium are subdivided into planning group Belgium.

From a hierarchical perspective, the planning group is one level below the shipping office. A shipping office has one or more planning groups. Freight orders are grouped into shipping offices, the underlying freight order lines are grouped into the planning groups of the shipping office.

Login Code
The login code of the user who is to be authorized to use the current combination of shipping office and planning group.
Shipping Office
A department that is responsible for the organization of transportation for one or more warehouses. When goods are moved from or to a warehouse, the responsible shipping office plans the transportation of these goods or subcontracts the transportation of the goods. In direct delivery scenarios, the shipping office provides planning or transport subcontracting services for external suppliers or customers.

In Freight, a shipping office plays a key role in load building and freight order clustering. Freight orders are grouped by shipping office. The groups of freight orders by shipping office are used by the load building engine to build shipments and loads, or by the freight order clustering engine to build freight order clusters.


Print Users by Shipping Office and Planning Group
Starts the Print Users by Shipping Office and Planning Group (fmfoc1405m000) session. By default, LN starts this session to print the report.