File Type (dmdoc4110m000)

Use this session to maintain the list of valid file types. Each file type can be associated with one or more file extensions.

When you register a file, you must assign the file one of the file types and the file extension must be one of the file extensions associated with the file type.

Click Assign Defaults on the Specific menu to assign default file extensions for file operations for each file type. Defaults are used when users request to perform file operations from the Document Revisions (dmdoc1520m000) session.


File Type
The file type ID.
File Extension
The extensions associated for file type.

Example: .doc, .txt, .bmp, .ppt, .xls


Assign Defaults
Opens the default file extensions for Default File Extensions for File Operations (dmdoc4550m000) session.

Note You can enter the defaults only to the file types that have more than one extension associated to them.