Document Revisions (dmdoc1520m000)


The ID of the library in which the documents are stored.
The description or name of the code.
The document ID for which the revisions are displayed.
The description or name of the code.
The ID of the document type.
The description or name of the code.
The revisions of the document.
The status of the document.

The system-defined statuses for document revision are the following:

  • Submit for Review
  • Approve
  • Release
  • Revise
  • Redesign
  • Reject
  • Withdraw
  • Expired
Secondary Status
The user-defined status of the document. The secondary status is customized status, based on the needs of a company.
The name of the user who created the document revision.
Creation Date
The date and time, when the document is created.
Derived From
Displays from which the document revision of the current revision is derived.
Release Date
The date and time at which the document revision is released.
Number of Hard Copies
The number of hard copies attached to the document revision.
Number of Files
The number of files attached to the document revision.
Total Size of Attached Files
The size of attached files. Example: if three files are attached, each of which is 10 bytes in size, the total size of attached files is 30 bytes.


Revision Life Cycle
Opens the submenus that enable you to change the status of the document revision. The suboptions available are: Submit for Review, Approve, Release, Revise, Reject, Redesign, and Withdraw.
Submit for Review
Changes the status of the document revision from In-Design to Submitted.
Changes the status of the document revision from Submitted to Approved.
Changes the status of the document revision from Approved to Release.
Revises a released document revision. This action creates another revision with In-Design status.
Rejects a document revision. The document revisions in Submitted status can be rejected.
Sets the status of a document revision from Rejected to In-design.
Withdraws a document released document revision. After a revision is withdrawn, no further actions are permitted on the revision.
Secondary Status
Applies the Secondary status to the document revision.
File Operations
Performs operations on the files. The available options are View Document, Edit Document, Print Document, E-Mail, Redline Document, Copy Files, and Main Files.
View Document
Enables you to view the files attached to the document revision.
Edit Document
Edits the files attached to the document revision.
Print Document
Prints the files attached to the document revision.
Sends by e-mail the files attached to the document revisions.
Redline Document
Redlines or adds comments to the files attached to the document revision.
Copy Files
Copies the files attached to the document revision.
Main Files
Lists the files attached to a document revision, and identifies the main files for each file operation.
Copy Document Revision contents
Copies the contents (files and hard copies) of the selected document revision to any other document revision.
Parent Documents
Starts the Parent Documents (dmdoc1540m001) session. This session enables you to view the parent documents for the current document.
Child Documents
Maintains the child documents. You can maintain vertical (parent-child relationship) links from the current document to other documents.
Change Default Work Area
Enables you to change the default work area of the current user.
Document Revision Attachments
Enables you to view the other ERP objects linked to a document revision.
Browses to open the Object Browsing (dmcomobjbrows) session. This session enables you to view all the properties and links of the document revision in a tree-like format.