ODM - Microsoft Office Integration

To work with the ODM - Microsoft Office integration, you must define the ODM- Microsoft Office integration parameters in the ODM - MS Office Integration Parameters (dmdoc1500m000) session:

The data fields for this session are as follows:

  1. User: Displays the user name, which is also the user ID.
  2. Default Document Type: Displays the default document type.
  3. Use Default Library: Displays a check box option that you can select to enable the default library.
  4. Library: Displays the library option. If no default library is set for the document type, you must specify the library.
  5. Primary Vault Area: Displays the area where the document must be stored. If more than one vault area is defined for the selected library, you then must specify the vault area. Click the browse arrow to start the Areas (dmdoc5120m000) session and select the area to be used as the primary vault area.
Add a new record
To add a new record, click New in the main menu. The following session appears:

Take the following steps:

  1. Click New on the main menu to enter a new user. Click the browse arrow to start the User Data (ttaad2500m000) session and select a user .
  2. Click New on the main menu to enter a new default document type. Click the browse arrow to start the Document Types (dmdoc2510m000) session and specify the Default Document Type.
  3. Select the Use Default Library check box to enable the Library field, if any default library is set for the selected document type.
  4. Click the browse arrow to start the Libraries (dmsys0540m000) session and specify the Library.
  5. Click the browse arrow to start the Areas (dmdoc5120m000) session and select the area to be used as the Primary Vault Area.
  6. Click Save to save the data.
Modify an existing record

You can also modify an existing record. Double-click an existing record and change the values of the current entries. The modification process is the same as for a new record.

After you make the modifications, click Save to save the data:
Delete a record

To delete a record, select a record and right-click on the mouse, and on the shortcut menu, click Delete.

Before the delete operation takes place, a dialog box appears, as shown in the following figure.

Click Yes to delete the record or click No to cancel the delete action.