Item Customer Plan-Find (cpvmi0520m000)

Use this session to display an item customer plan. You can use this session to see how the planned inventory at your customer's site develops over time and to analyze how various planned transactions influence this planned inventory.

If you start this session, LN first starts the Item Customer Plan - Selection (cpvmi0521s000) session, in which you select the some parameters for this session.

This session can display three types of item customer plan, depending on the value of the VMI requirement type that you select when you start this session. The VMI requirement type can have the following values:

  • Received Forecast from Customer
    The session uses the demand data from the forecast that you received from your customer.
  • Calculated Confirmed Supply
    The session uses the demand data from the most recently calculated confirmed supply.
  • Sent Confirmed Supply
    The session uses the demand data from the confirmed supply that you sent to your customer. (After LN calculates the confirmed supply, you can modify the confirmed supply before you send the confirmed supply to your customer).


The identification of an overall planning solution.

Each scenario represents one overall planning solution, and involves particular settings for the planning of items and resources. You can use scenarios to analyze and compare various planning options and to find the best planning solution. For example, you can vary demand forecasts or sourcing strategies.

One of the scenarios is the actual scenario, which corresponds with the actual planning situation. You can only transfer planned orders and production plans from the actual scenario to the execution level of LN.

Plan Item
An item with the order system Planned.

The production, distribution, or purchase of these items is planned in Enterprise Planning based on the forecast or the actual demand.

You can plan these items by means of the following:

  • Master-based planning, which is similar to master production scheduling techniques.
  • Order-based planning, which is similar to material-requirements planning techniques.
  • A combination of master-based planning and order-based planning.

Plan items can be one of the following:

  • An actual manufactured or purchased item.
  • A product family.
  • A basic model, that is, a defined product variant of a generic item.

A group of similar plan items or families is called a product family. The items are aggregated to give a more general plan than the one devised for individual items. A code displayed by the item code's cluster segment shows that the plan item is a clustered item that is used for distribution planning.

Sold-to Business Partner
Usually a customer's purchase department, the business partner who orders goods or services from your organization, that owns the configurations you maintain, or for whom you perform a project.

The agreement with the sold-to business partner can include the following:

  • Default price and discount agreements
  • Sales order defaults
  • Delivery terms
  • The related ship-to and invoice-to business partner
Requirement Type
The type and origin of the requirements on which LN can base an item supplier plan or an item customer plan in a vendor-managed-inventory situation. Depending on the requirement type, LN uses different demand data to calculate how much of an the item is planned to be available in each period.

The VMI requirement type can have the following values:

  • Calculated Business Partner Forecast
  • Sent Business Partner Forecast
  • Received Business Partner Forecast
  • Calculated Confirmed Supply
  • Sent Confirmed Supply
  • Actual and Planned Demand
Planner ID
The planner that is responsible for planning this plan item.

You can specify a plan item's planner in the Planner field in the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session.

Actual Stock
The current inventory of the plan item in the VMI warehouse at the customer.
Actual Stock
The unit of measure in which the inventory of an item is recorded, such as piece, kilogram, box of 12, or meter.

The inventory unit is also used as the base unit in measure conversions, especially for conversions that concern the order unit and the price unit on a purchase order or a sales order. These conversions always use the inventory unit as the base unit. An inventory unit therefore applies to all item types, also to item types that cannot be kept in stock.

Delivery Moment
The pattern code that determines the delivery moments on which you must deliver the items in the VMI warehouse at the customer. For example, you can be required to deliver the goods always on Wednesdays at 8:00 AM.

This field displays the value of the Delivery Moments field in the Planning Terms and Conditions (tctrm1135m000) session. That field can be left empty.

If this field is empty, you are free to choose any moment to deliver the requested goods to your customer.

If this field displays a pattern code, LN can shift the date of delivery backwards to match one of the agreed delivery moments in the delivery pattern.

The date and time on which the items are supposed to be received in, or issued from the VMI warehouse at the customer.

If this line describes a demand, this date corresponds to the start date of the aggregation period.

If this line describes a supply, this date is the end date and time of the period.

Total Forecast
The sum of the confirmed part and the unconfirmed part of the forecast.
Confirmed Forecast
The confirmed part of the forecast.
Scheduled Receipts
The quantity of items that you expect to receive according to the orders that are transferred to the execution level.

These scheduled receipts represent orders that move goods from your site to the VMI warehouse at your customer's site by one of the following means:


LN retrieves the scheduled receipt data from the Planned Inventory Transactions (whinp1500m000) session.

Planned Supply
The quantity of plan items that the VMI warehouse at your customer's site is expected to receive according to the planned orders.

LN retrieves the planned supply data from the Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000) session.

Planned Available (Total)
The expected inventory level in the VMI warehouse at your customer's site that will be reached after this demand or supply and all preceding changes will have been realized, assuming that both the confirmed demand and the unconfirmed demand that your customer communicated to you, will lead to actual issues from the VMI warehouse.

The values of this field depend on the VMI requirement type for which you opened this item customer plan:

  • If the VMI requirement type is Received Forecast from Customer, this field shows you what will happen if you supply the full quantity for which your customer has reported forecast.
  • If the VMI requirement type is Calculated Confirmed Supply, this field shows you what will happen if you supply the item quantities as was suggested by your most recent order-planning run.
  • If the VMI requirement type is Sent Confirmed Supply, this field shows you what will happen if you supply the item quantities that you communicated to your customer.

If the VMI requirement type is Calculated Confirmed Supply or Sent Confirmed Supply, the Planned Available (Total) field equals the Planned Available (Confirmed)

Planned Available (Confirmed)
The expected inventory level in the VMI warehouse at your customer's site that will be reached after this demand or supply and all preceding changes will have been realized, assuming that only the confirmed demand that your customer communicated to you, will lead to actual issues from the VMI warehouse.

The values of this field depend on the VMI requirement type for which you opened this item customer plan:

  • If the VMI requirement type is Received Forecast from Customer, this field shows you what will happen if you supply the full quantity for which your customer has reported as forecast.
  • If the VMI requirement type is Calculated Confirmed Supply, this field shows you what will happen if you supply the item quantities as was suggested by your most recent order-planning run.
  • If the VMI requirement type is Sent Confirmed Supply, this field shows you what will happen if you supply the item quantities that you communicated to your customer.

If the VMI requirement type is Calculated Confirmed Supply or Sent Confirmed Supply, the Planned Available (Total) field equals the Planned Available (Confirmed) field.

ATP (Total)
The quantity available to promise assuming that both the confirmed demand and the unconfirmed demand that your customer communicated to you, will lead to actual issues from the VMI warehouse.

If the VMI requirement type is Calculated Confirmed Supply or Sent Confirmed Supply, the ATP is not based on the demand information received from your customer, but the ATP will be based on the confirmed supply you just calcuIated, or sent to your customer. In these cases, the ATP (Total) field equals the ATP (Confirmed) field.

ATP (Confirmed)
The quantity available to promise assuming that only the confirmed demand that your customer communicated to you, will lead to actual issues from the VMI warehouse.

If the VMI requirement type is Calculated Confirmed Supply or Sent Confirmed Supply, the ATP is not based on the demand information received from your customer, but the ATP will be based on the confirmed supply you just calcuIated, or sent to your customer. In these cases, the ATP (Total) field equals the ATP (Confirmed) field.

Mininum Target Inventory
The minimum inventory level that must be maintained in the VMI warehouse at the customer.

If a minimum level was specified in the applicable terms and conditions agreement, that level must be maintained. Otherwise, the safety stock is applied as usual.

Maximum Target Inventory
The maximum inventory level that is permitted in the VMI warehouse at the customer.

If a maximum level was specified in the applicable terms and conditions agreement, that level must not be exceeded. Otherwise, no maximum is applied.

Days of Coverage
The number of days that the planned available quantity would suffice, in the hypothetical situation that all supply would stop completely.
Order Type
The type of order displayed on this line.
Order Number
The order number that identifies the demand or the order.
Further details to identify the supply or demand.
Order Status
The status assigned to a planned order in Enterprise Planning.

The order status can either be:

  • Planned
  • Firm Planned
  • Confirmed
Order Release
Determines whether this planned order is ready for transfer to the execution level.
  • To be released
    The order is ready for transfer to the execution level.
  • Not to be released
    The order is not yet ready for transfer to the execution level. This value can only occur if the replenishment method differs from the planning method.

Related topics

The quantity of the demand.

If this line represents a supply, this field displays zero (0).

The quantity of the supply.

If this line represents a demand, this field displays zero (0).

Consumed BP Forecast
The part of the customer forecast that has already been consumed by issues from the VMI warehouse. In other words, the part of the demand forecast that is no longer a forecast, but became actual demand.
Initial Hidden
Unconfirmed Demand
The part of the total forecast for which the customer desires a supply in addition to the confirmed forecast. Possibly, the customer is unsure whether this quantity will be needed.

The sum of the confirmed forecast and the unconfirmed forecast is the total forecast.

Typically, the total forecast includes not only the demand based on actual sales orders for the customer's end products, but also forecast demand based on estimated future sales of the customer's end products.

See also confirmed forecast.

Default Warehouse
The default warehouse of the plan item.
Receiving Site
The site to which a planned distribution order will be delivered.
Receiving Item
The item code of the receiving item
Supplying Site
The site from which a planned distribution order is delivered.
Supplying Item
The item code of the supplying item
Orginal date
No Help topic is associated with this item.
Original quantity
No Help topic is associated with this item.
Time Fence
The value of the Time Fence field in the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session.
Forecast Time Fence
The value of the Forecast Time Fence field in the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session.
Order Horizon
The value of the Order Horizon field in the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session.
ATP Horizon
The value of the CTP Horizon field in the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session.
Net Change Date
The value of the Net Change Date field in the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session.
Use Min-Max Inventory Levels
The value of the Use Min-Max Inventory Levels field in the Planning Terms and Conditions (tctrm1135m000) session.
Planning Based On
The value of the Planning Based On field in the Planning Terms and Conditions (tctrm1135m000) session.
Replenishment Based On
The value of the Replenishment Based On field in the Planning Terms and Conditions (tctrm1135m000) session.
Terms and Conditions
Effective Date
The value of the Effective Date field in the Planning Terms and Conditions (tctrm1135m000) session.
Expiry Date
The value of the Expiry Date field in the Planning Terms and Conditions (tctrm1135m000) session.
Forecast Received from Customer
The value of the Forecast received from Customer field in the Planning Terms and Conditions (tctrm1135m000) session.
Confirm Supply
The value of the Confirm Supply field in the Planning Terms and Conditions (tctrm1135m000) session.
Confirmed Supply Based On
The value of the Confirmed Supply Based On field in the Planning Terms and Conditions (tctrm1135m000) session.
Confirmed Supply Time Fence
The value of the Confirm Supply Horizon field in the Planning Terms and Conditions (tctrm1135m000) session.
Frozen Zone +
The value of the Frozen Zone + field in the Planning Terms and Conditions (tctrm1135m000) session.
Frozen Zone -
The value of the Frozen Zone - field in the Planning Terms and Conditions (tctrm1135m000) session.
If this check box is selected, a specification is present.

To display the specification, in the appropriate menu, click Specification.

Effectivity Unit
A means to control the validity of variations by effectivity units.

Unit effectivity enables you to model changes for the following entities:

  • Engineering bill of material
  • Production bill of material
  • Routing
  • Routing operations
  • Supplier selection
  • Sourcing strategies
Allocated to BP
If this record involves a supply, this field indicates the sold-to business partner to which this supply was allocated or demand pegged. If this record involves a demand, this field indicates the sold-to business partner to which the supply that can fill this demand must have been allocated or demand pegged.

LN uses this characteristic to match supply and demand.

Allocated to Business Object Type
If this record involves a supply, this field indicates the type of order to which the inventory was allocated or the supply object was demand pegged, such as, Sales Order, or Service Order. If this record involves a demand, this field indicates the type of order to which the supply that can fill this demand must have been allocated or demand pegged.

LN uses this characteristic to match supply and demand.


The following fields are always used in combination; together, they identify the relevant order or order line:

  • Allocated to Business Object Type
  • Allocated to Business Object
  • Allocated to Business Object Reference
Allocated to Business Object
If this record involves a supply, this field indicates the order, or order line, to which the inventory was allocated or the supply object was demand pegged, such as, Sales Order, or Service Order. If this record involves a demand, this field indicates the order, or order line, to which the supply that can fill this demand must have been allocated or demand pegged.

LN uses this characteristic to match supply and demand.


The following fields are always used in combination; together, they identify the relevant order or order line:

  • Allocated to Business Object Type
  • Allocated to Business Object
  • Allocated to Business Object Reference
Allocated to Reference
If this record involves a supply, this field indicates the reference code to which the inventory was allocated or the supply object was demand pegged. If this record involves a demand, this field indicates the reference code to which the supply that can fill this demand must have been allocated or demand pegged.

LN uses this characteristic to find a matching supply for this demand.

LN uses the Allocated to Reference field to record an internal reference.

You can use a reference code to keep a collection of parts linked together, even if they follow different routings, for example, if some of the parts are transported to a subcontractor to be returned later.

Use Unallocated Inventory
If this check box is selected, Enterprise Planning can use unallocated inventory to supply the demand. Enterprise Planning uses allocated inventory first. If there is not enough allocated inventory, Enterprise Planning also uses unallocated inventory.

If this check box is cleared, Enterprise Planning can use only allocated inventory to fill the demand.


After this record has been created, the value of this field is kept unchanged, even if the terms and conditions change.