Confirm Planned Orders (cprrp1200m000)

Use this session to confirm planned orders. The result is that planned orders with the Planned or Firm Planned order status get the Confirmed order status. You can transfer confirmed planned orders to the execution level.

During the next planning run, confirmed orders are not moved or removed, only replanned and updated in case something changes in the lead times or in the routing.

If you select EP Order Group Selection, you can confirm planned or firm planned order for an entire order group.


Actual Scenario
The identification of an overall planning solution.

Each scenario represents one overall planning solution, and involves particular settings for the planning of items and resources. You can use scenarios to analyze and compare various planning options and to find the best planning solution. For example, you can vary demand forecasts or sourcing strategies.

One of the scenarios is the actual scenario, which corresponds with the actual planning situation. You can only transfer planned orders and production plans from the actual scenario to the execution level of LN.

Planned Orders
If this check box is selected, planned orders will be approved and transferred to the execution level.
Planned Cost Peg Transfers
If this check box is selected, planned cost peg transfers will be approved.
EP Order Groups
If this check box is selected, LN confirms planned orders for an order group, which you can define in the EP Order Group field.
Planned Orders
Planned Order Selection
Planned Order
A supply order in Enterprise Planning that is created for planning purposes, but which is not an actual order yet.

Enterprise Planning works with planned orders of the following types:

Planned orders are generated in the context of a particular scenario. The planned orders of the actual scenario can be transferred to the execution level, where they become actual supply orders.

Order Type
Select the type or order for confirmation.

Allowed values

Kind of Order

Item Group
Group of items with similar characteristics. Each item belongs to a particular item group. The item group is used in combination with the item type to set up item defaults.
The employee or department responsible for planning the production, purchase and distribution of items. The planner takes into account the inventory levels, availability of materials, and capacities of resources, and reacts on signals such as rescheduling messages that LN generates.
The employee of your company who is the contact to the concerned buy-from business partner. The buyer is also known as the purchasing agent.

Related topics

Shop Floor Planner
The person responsible for printing, (re)scheduling and releasing production orders and managing workloads.
Routing Group
A group of items with similar routing attributes, for example, the same work center, routing operation, BOM, and so on. A routing group is defined by the user as a selection criterion for production orders.
Buy-from BP
The business partner from whom you order goods or services; this usually represents a supplier's sales department. The definition includes the default price and discount agreements, purchase-order defaults, delivery terms, and the related ship-from and invoice-from business partner.
A place for storing goods. For each warehouse, you can enter address data and data relating to its type.
From Plan Item
An item with the order system Planned.

The production, distribution, or purchase of these items is planned in Enterprise Planning based on the forecast or the actual demand.

You can plan these items by means of the following:

  • Master-based planning, which is similar to master production scheduling techniques.
  • Order-based planning, which is similar to material-requirements planning techniques.
  • A combination of master-based planning and order-based planning.

Plan items can be one of the following:

  • An actual manufactured or purchased item.
  • A product family.
  • A basic model, that is, a defined product variant of a generic item.

A group of similar plan items or families is called a product family. The items are aggregated to give a more general plan than the one devised for individual items. A code displayed by the item code's cluster segment shows that the plan item is a clustered item that is used for distribution planning.

Planned Order Options
Include Transfers with Release status 'Not to be Released'
If this check box is selected, orders with the status 'Not to be Released' will be inculded in the transfer.
Within Order Lead Time Only
If this check box is selected, you can restrict the selection of planned orders to those orders that have a planned start date within a particular period in the near future.

The period ends at the following moment:

Current date + (Order lead time x order lead-time multiplier)

The value of the order lead time depends on several factors. For more information, refer to Confirm planned orders based on lead time.

Planned Production Orders
If this check box is selected, the order-lead-time restriction is applied to planned production orders.
Planned Purchase Orders
If this check box is selected, the order-lead-time restriction is applied to planned purchase orders.
Planned Distribution Orders
If this check box is selected, the order-lead-time restriction is applied to planned distribution orders.
Planned Distribution Orders
The method to determine the order lead time for planned distribution orders.

For planned distribution orders, you can choose the following methods to determine the order lead time:

  • Supplying Item

    The order lead time is defined as the time to manufacture or purchase the supplying item. This order lead time is defined in the Items - Production (tiipd0101m000) or Items - Purchase (tdipu0101m000) sessions respectively.

    The supplying item can be defined in another company, the supplying site.

  • Supply Lead Time
    The order lead time is defined as the distribution lead time. The calculation of the distribution lead time depends on whether you specified a carrier for the supplying relationship in the Supplying Relationships (cprpd7130m000). For more information, refer to Distribution Lead-time Calculation.
Order Lead-Time Multiplier
The factor used to multiply the order lead-time to calculate the period for which you want to confirm planned orders.

You can enter a value between 0.00 and 999999.00. The default value is 1.00

EP Order Groups
EP Order Group
Specify a range of order groups that you created in the Create Order Group for Planned Orders (cppat3250m000) session.
Planned Cost Peg Transfers
Transfer Id
View the orders selected for transfer.
Include Transfers based on Scheduled Receipts
If this check box is selected, transfers based on Scheduled Receipts are included in the transfer.