Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000)

Use this session to view or modify the planned orders.

If you select one of the sort options on the View menu, LN can display the orders by order type, by item, by requirement date, or by planner or buyer.

Double-click a planned order to go to the Planned Order (cprrp1600m000) session, to view and modify the order lines of planned orders.


In practice, most planned orders have only one order line. Planned orders for which you defined various effectivity units, have multiple order lines.

Select a planned order and click Details on the appropriate menu to go to the Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000) details session, where you can view and maintain the order details.

Select the Generate Order Planning (Item) command to zoom to the Generate Order Planning (Item) (cprrp1220m000) session.

Select a planned order and choose Lead-Time Analysis from the appropriate menu to zoom to the Lead-Time Analysis (cprrp1150m000) session, to see of which lead time components the order lead time consists.

In addition, you can select one of the other options on the appropriate menu to view order related data about demand, supply, inventory, capacity and/or material requirements.


When LN generates supply for purchase schedule items, the resulting purchase volumes are not translated into planned purchase orders, but are directly transferred to the Purchase Control module in Order Management.


The identification of an overall planning solution.

Each scenario represents one overall planning solution, and involves particular settings for the planning of items and resources. You can use scenarios to analyze and compare various planning options and to find the best planning solution. For example, you can vary demand forecasts or sourcing strategies.

One of the scenarios is the actual scenario, which corresponds with the actual planning situation. You can only transfer planned orders and production plans from the actual scenario to the execution level of LN.

If the scenario's plan status is Closed, you can no longer modify the data related to this scenario.

Actual scenario
This read-only field indicates whether the selected scenario is the actual scenario.
Order Type
Select the order type for which LN must display the planned orders for the specified scenario.

Allowed values

Kind of Order

Planned Order
The order number of the planned order.

If the order type is planned distribution order, this field displays the order code at the receiving site.

Order Item
The ordered plan item.
EP Order Group
Order Information
Planning Method
The calculation method for the planned start date and/or the planned finish date.

For a planned order generated during an order simulation, this field can have these values:

  • Backward

    The computed start date is based on:

    • A given finish date
    • A lead time derived from the routing
  • Backward, Lead Time

    The computed start date is based on:

    • A given finish date
    • A fixed lead time
  • Manually planned orders

    If you (re)plan an order manually, you can choose between the following values:

    • Backward, Lead Time
    • Forward, Lead Time
  • Forward

    LN computes the finish date based on:

    • A given start date
    • A lead time derived from the routing, or a fixed lead time (depending on the fixed lead-time horizon)
  • Forward, Lead Time

    LN computes the start date based on:

    • A given start date
    • A lead time derived from the routing, or a fixed lead time (depending on the fixed lead-time horizon)
Item Routing
The item's routing.

To set the value of this field to the item's default routing, click Default Routing. An item's default routing is defined in the Item - Routings (tirou1101m000) session. The default routing also depends on the value of the Order Quantity field.

Order Release
Determines whether this planned order is ready for transfer to the execution level.
  • To be released
    The order is ready for transfer to the execution level.
  • Not to be released
    The order is not yet ready for transfer to the execution level. This value can only occur if the replenishment method differs from the planning method.

Related topics

The employee or department responsible for planning the production, purchase and distribution of items. The planner takes into account the inventory levels, availability of materials, and capacities of resources, and reacts on signals such as rescheduling messages that LN generates.

The employee that planned the order.

Shop Floor Planner
The person responsible for printing, (re)scheduling and releasing production orders and managing workloads.

The employee that is responsible for the item in Shop Floor Control (SFC).

The Shop Floor Control is also a selection criterion that determines which orders are included in an order group in the Create Order Group for Planned Orders (cppat3250m000) session, and which orders are transferred in the Transfer Planned Orders (cppat1210m000) session.

The employee of your company who is the contact to the concerned buy-from business partner. The buyer is also known as the purchasing agent.

Related topics

Routing Group
In this field you can assign routing groups to the item.

Routing groups are used in the Shop Floor Control module of Manufacturing to manage the workload.

Destination Warehouse
The warehouse where the goods are expected to be received.

Default value

The value of the Default Warehouse field in the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session.

If you transfer the planned order, this information is passed on to the Shop Floor Control module and the Purchase Control module.

Transaction Date
The date when the planned order was created or modified.
Planned Start Date
The date on which the order is planned to be started.

The planned start date equals the start date of the earliest order line.

Planned Finish Date
The date on which the order is planned to be finished.

The planned order's finish date equals the last order line finish date.

Required Date
The date for which LN identifies a material requirement.

If the projected inventory at that date is less than the required quantity, the planning engine generates a planned order or a reschedule-in signal.

The planned requirement date of a manually entered planned order is equal to the planned order's finish date.

Order Quantity
The sum of the order quantities of the planned order's order lines.
Freight Order
A commission to transport a particular number of goods. A freight order includes an order header and one or more order lines.

A freight order header includes some general information, such as the delivery date and the name and address of the customer who is to receive the goods listed on the freight order.

A freight order line includes an item to be transported and some details about the item, such as the quantity and the dimensions.

Freight Order Position
The position number of the freight order line
Planned Order Text
If this check box is selected, a text is present for the planned order.

Related topics

The business partner from whom you order goods or services; this usually represents a supplier's sales department. The definition includes the default price and discount agreements, purchase-order defaults, delivery terms, and the related ship-from and invoice-from business partner.

The supplier designated to the planned purchase order.

Supplier (Ship-From)
The business partner that ships the ordered goods to your organization. This usually represents a supplier's distribution center or warehouse. The definition includes the default warehouse at which you want to receive the goods and if you want to inspect the goods, the carrier that takes care of the transport, and the related buy-from business partner.
Item - Purchase Price
If the item is a purchased item, this field displays the purchase price, as defined in the Item - Purchase (tdipu0101m000) session.
An organization that provides transport services. You can link a default carrier to both ship-to and ship-from business partners. In addition, you can print sales and purchase orders on a packing list, sorted by carrier.

For ordering and invoicing, you must define a carrier as a business partner.

Supplying Site
The site from which a plan item is delivered through the multisite distribution structure.

Related topics

Supplying Item
If this planned order is a planned distribution order, this field displays the supplying item.

Related topics

Supplying Warehouse
The warehouse from which the item is supplied.

Related topics

Pegging Info
Pegged Order Type
The order type of the origin of the demand for which this planned order produces the supply.
Pegged Order Number
The order that caused the demand for which this planned order produces the supply.
Pegged Position Number
The position number of the order line that generated the demand for which this planned order produces the supply.
Pegged Sequence Number
The sequence number of the order line that generated the demand for which this planned order produces the supply.
Pegged Operation
The operation for which the item that this planned order supplies is required as a component.
Pegged Site
The receiving site that generated the demand for which this planned order produces the supply.
If this check box is selected, a specification is present.

To display the specification, in the appropriate menu, click Specification.

Use Unallocated Inventory
If this check box is selected, Enterprise Planning can use unallocated inventory to supply the demand. Enterprise Planning uses allocated inventory first. If there is not enough allocated inventory, Enterprise Planning also uses unallocated inventory.

If this check box is cleared, Enterprise Planning can use only allocated inventory to fill the demand.

Hard Pegged To
Business Partner

LN uses this characteristic to match supply and demand.

Business Object Type
The type of order to which the planned order was hard pegged, such as, Sales Order, or Service Order.

The following fields are always used in combination; together, they identify the relevant order or order line:

  • Business Object Type
  • Business Object
  • Business Object Reference
Business Object
The order, or order line, to which the planned order was hard pegged.

LN uses this characteristic to match supply and demand.


The following fields are always used in combination; together, they identify the relevant order or order line:

  • Business Object Type
  • Business Object
  • Business Object Reference
A reference code to which the planned order was hard pegged.

LN uses this characteristic to match supply and demand.

LN can use this field in two ways:

  • If the Business Partner field is filled, LN uses the Reference field to record a reference code defined by a customer.
  • If the Business Partner field is empty, LN uses the Reference field to record an internal reference.

You can use a reference code to keep a collection of parts linked together, even if they follow different routings, for example, if some of the parts are transported to a subcontractor to be returned later.


Lead-Time Analysis
Resource Order Plan
Freight Orders
Starts the Freight Order Lines - Overview (fmfoc2501m200) session.
Generate Order Planning (Item)
Confirm Order
Transfer Planned Orders
Copy Planned Orders to Scenarios
Pegging - Upstream
Starts the pegging browser session for components supplied to execute this planned order.
Pegging - Downstream
Starts the pegging browser session for products produced from the main item this planned order.
Select one of the options to view demand details of the selected planned order.
Sales Quotations
Starts the Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000) session.
Sales Orders
Starts the Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000) session.
Special Demand by Item
Click one of the options to view supply related data for the selected planned order.
Warehousing Orders
Starts the Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000) session.
Purchase Request for Quotations
Purchase Orders
Select one of the options to view material or capacity requirements for the selected planned order.
Capacity Use by Planned Order
Planned Order - Inventory Movements
Goods Flow Transactions
Select one of the options to view warehouse or inventory related data of the selected planned order.
Item Order Plan
Planned Inventory Transactions
Item - Warehouse - Inventory Transactions
Warehouse - Item - Stock Point Transactions
Master Plan
Select one of the options to view the master plans for the selected item.
Item Master Plan
Resource Master Plan
Channel Master Plan
Select this option to view capacity related data of the selected planned order.
Capacity Use by Planned Order
Select this option to view the details of the calendar that LN uses to plan the selected planned order.
Calendar Working Hours
Scenario - Availabilities
Select one of the options to view signals and/or performance indicators for the selected planned order.
Performance Indicators
ATP Handling
Starts the ATP Handling (cprrp4800m000) session.
Planner/Item Signals
Resource - Exception Messages
Warehouse Inventory
Starts the Warehouse - Item Inventory (whwmd2515m000) session.
Print Planned Orders
Starts the Print Planned Orders (cprrp1410m000) session, in which you can select the planned orders LN must include in a printed report.
Print Planned Inventory Movements
Starts the Print Planned Inventory Movements (cprrp0410m000) session, in which you can select the planned orders for which LN must print a report of inventory movements.
Print Planned Capacity Use by Planned Order
Starts the Print Planned Capacity Use by Planned Order (cprrp2400m000) session, in which you can select the planned orders for which LN must print a report with required capacity details.
Print Planned Capacity Use by Resource
Starts the Print Planned Capacity Use by Resource (cprrp2401m000) session, in which you can select the planned orders for which LN must print a report with capacity data.
Default Routing
Sets the Item Routing field to the routing defined in the Item - Routings (tirou1101m000) session.