Performance Indicators (cprao2201s000)

Use this session to compute or recompute the performance indicators of a combination of scenario and plan level, to make sure that they reflect the current planning situation.


Selection Range
The scenario for which LN displays the performance indicators.
Plan Level
The plan item's plan level for which LN displays the performance indicators.
The first of the range of resources for which LN displays the performance indicators.

To define a range of resources, click the Find icon on the toolbar to go to the Find Performance Indicators (cprao2202s000) session.

The range of plan items for which LN displays the performance indicators.

To define a range of plan items, click the Find icon on the toolbar to go to the Find Performance Indicators (cprao2202s000) session.

Utilization Performance
Average Utilization
The average relative capacity utilization of the selected resources, expressed as an overall percentage for the total capacity of all plan periods and of all selected resources.

Used data

The average utilization is computed as follows: From this session (Utilization tab):

  • The Free Cap. (hours) field

From the Resource Master Plan (cprmp3501m000) session:

  • The Available Capacity field
Delivery Performance
Average Delivery Performance
The percentage of the total demand of a plan item that is delivered in time, expressed as an overall percentage for all plan periods which is averaged for all selected plan items.

For each plan item, the average delivery performance is computed as follows:


You can find the relevant data in the Plan Items - Performance Indicators (cprao2550m000) session.

In the next step, the values found for the various plan items are averaged.

Average Throughput Time
The average number of days between (and including) the start date and the finish date of a planned production-order line for the selected plan items.

The average throughput time is computed as follows:

  1. LN computes an average throughput time for an individual planned production order (based on the throughput times of the order lines).
  2. LN computes an average throughput time for an item (based on the result of step 1 for all planned production orders for this item in the present scenario).
  3. LN computes an average throughput time for all items involved (based on the result of step 2 for each item).

Used data

The following fields in the Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000) session:

  • Planned Start Date.
  • Planned Finish Date.
Inventory Performance
Average Inventory Qty
The average value of the projected inventory of the selected plan items, expressed as an average amount for all plan periods and for all selected plan items.

For each selected plan item, a weighted average for all plan periods is computed, taking into account the length of each plan period. For the exact computation procedure, see To compute average projected-inventory levels.

In the next step, the values found for the various plan items are averaged.

Financial Performance
Average Cash Flow Balance
The average cash-flow balance of the selected plan items. The cash flow balance of each selected plan item is a total value for all plan periods. In the next step, the values found for the various plan items are averaged.

For each plan item, the cash-flow balance is computed as follows:


You can find the relevant data in the Plan Items - Performance Indicators (cprao2550m000) session.

Total Production Costs
The total production costs of a plan item, expressed as a total amount for all plan periods.

First, the values of the following fields in the Item Master Plan (cprmp2101m000) session are added up:

  • Production Plan
  • Planned Prod. Orders
  • Sched Prod Receipts

The outcome is then multiplied by the value of the Cost Price field in the Items - Costing (ticpr0107m000) session.

Total Sales Revenues
The total sales revenues of the selected plan items, expressed as a total amount for all plan periods.

Used data

For each plan item, the sales revenues are computed as follows: The following fields in the Item Master Plan (cprmp2101m000) session:

  • Customer Deliveries.
  • Customer Orders.

The following field in the Items - Sales (tdisa0501m000) session:

  • Tool Serial Number.
Utilization Performance
Capacity Used for (Planned) Production
The total capacity of the selected resources that is used by various types of orders and activities, expressed as a total value for all plan periods.

The value of this field is computed by adding up the values of the following fields in the Resource Master Plan (cprmp3501m000) session:

  • Planned Orders Capacity Use
  • SFC Orders Capacity Use
  • PCS Activities Capacity Use
Capacity Used for Critical Capacity Requirements
The total capacity of the selected resources that is used for critical capacity requirements in master planning, expressed as a total value for all plan periods.

The capacity used for critical capacity requirements is computed as the sum value of the Cap. Used for Crit. Cap. Requirements field in the Resource Master Plan (cprmp3501m000) session.

Free Capacity (Hours)
The free capacity of the selected resources, expressed as a total value for all plan periods.

Used data

To compute the free capacity LN uses data from the following sessions:

From the Resource Master Plan (cprmp3501m000) session:

  • The Available Capacity field

From this session (present tab):

  • The Capacity Used for (Planned) Production field
  • The Cap. Used for Crit. Cap. Requirements field
  • The Average Utilization field
Inventory Delivery Performance
Periods Planned Inventory Used
The number of plan periods in which the projected inventory of a plan item drops below the inventory plan, expressed as an average value for all selected plan items.

Used data

From the Item Master Plan (cprmp2101m000) session:

  • The Projected Inventory field
  • The Inventory Plan field
Average Negative Inventory
The average negative projected inventory of the selected plan items, expressed as an average value for all stretches of time in which the projected inventory is negative, and for all selected plan items.

This is an indication of the extent of backlog in deliveries.

For each selected plan item, an average negative projected inventory is computed. For the exact computation procedure, see To compute average projected-inventory levels.

In the next step, the values found for the various plan items are averaged.

Periods with Negative Inventory
The number of plan periods in which the projected inventory of a plan item has a negative value, expressed as an average value for all selected plan items.

This number indicates the number of times that demand cannot be met immediately from inventory.


This demand includes nonconsumed demand forecast.

Used data

From the Item Master Plan (cprmp2101m000) session:

  • The Projected Inventory field
Customer Demand
The total quantity that is ordered by or delivered to specific customers, expressed as a total value for all plan periods and for all selected plan items.

The total customer demand consists of customer orders and customer deliveries. It is computed, for all selected plan items, by adding up the values of the corresponding fields in the Item Master Plan (cprmp2101m000) session.

Delivery Performance
Total Supply
The total supply of the selected plan items, expressed as a total value for all plan periods.

The total supply is computed, for the selected plan items, by adding up the values of the following fields in the Item Master Plan (cprmp2101m000) session:

  • Production Plan
  • Planned Prod. Orders
  • Sched Prod Receipts
  • Purchase Plan
  • Planned Purchase Orders
  • Scheduled Purchase
  • Plan. Distr. Orders
  • Sched Distr Receipts
Nonconsumed Forecast
The quantity that is expected to be sold, but that has not yet been ordered by specific customers, expressed as a total value for all plan periods and for all selected plan items.

The non-consumed demand forecast is computed, for all selected plan items, by adding up the values of the Nonconsumed Forecast field in the Item Master Plan (cprmp2101m000) session.

Total Demand Late
The total quantity that cannot be delivered immediately from inventory, expressed as a total value for all selected plan items. This is computed on the basis of the changes in the projected inventory from one plan period to the next.

For the exact computation procedure, see To compute the total demand late.

Dependent Demand
The quantity that is not sold directly to customers, but is used as a component in the production of other items, or delivered to other sites. This is expressed as a total value for all plan periods, and for all selected plan items.

The total dependent demand is computed, for all selected plan items, by adding up the values of the following fields in the Item Master Plan (cprmp2101m000) session:

  • Dep. Scheduled Dem.
  • Dep. Material Demand
  • Internal Deliveries
  • Distribution Deliveries
  • Dependent Distribution Demand
Minimum Negative ATP
The most negative value of the Cumulative ATP field in the Item Master Plan (cprmp2101m000) session that occurs for any of the selected plan items in any plan period (starting with the current one).

In other words, this field indicates the largest gap that occurs, at any time in the present scenario and for any of the selected plan items, between actual demand and availability from inventory.

Total Demand
The total demand for all plan periods, and for all selected plan items.

It is equal to the sum of the following fields (on the present tab):

  • The Customer Demand field
  • The Noncons. Forecast field
  • The Dependent Demand field
Minimum Negative ATP (Average)
The most negative value that the Cumulative ATP field in the Item Master Plan (cprmp2101m000) session reaches for a plan item in any plan period (starting with the current one), expressed as an average value for all selected plan items.

For each selected plan item, the largest gap which occurs between actual demand and availability from inventory is determined. In the next step, the minimum values found for the various plan items are averaged.


The demand involved does not include nonconsumed demand forecast.

Absolute Inventory Performance
Minimum Inventory Quantity
The lowest projected inventory level reached for any of the selected plan items during any plan period.

Used data

From the Item Master Plan (cprmp2101m000) session:

  • Projected Inventory
Minimum Inventory Value
The lowest inventory value reached for any of the selected plan items.

The following inventory data is considered:

  • The inventory on hand
  • The projected inventory for the current plan period
  • The projected inventory for each following plan period

Used data

For each plan item, the minimum inventory value is computed as follows: From the Item Master Plan (cprmp2101m000) session:

  • On Hand
  • Projected Inventory

From the Items - Costing (ticpr0107m000) session:

  • Material Costs
Maximum Inventory Quantity
The highest projected inventory level reached for any of the selected plan items during any plan period.

Used data

From the Item Master Plan (cprmp2101m000) session:

  • Projected Inventory
Maximum Inventory Value
The highest inventory value reached for any of the selected plan items.

The following inventory data is considered:

Used data

For each plan item, the maximum inventory value is computed as follows: From the Item Master Plan (cprmp2101m000) session:

  • On Hand
  • Projected Inventory

From the Items - Costing (ticpr0107m000) session:

  • Material Costs
Maximum Positive Difference
The maximum positive difference is the largest difference which occurs, for any of the selected plan items, between the projected inventory and the inventory plan, in any period in which the projected inventory is higher than the inventory plan.

This field indicates how much the expected inventory level of any of the selected plan items rises above the desired inventory level during any plan period (starting with the current one).

Used data

From the Item Master Plan (cprmp2101m000) session:

  • Projected Inventory
  • Inventory Plan
Maximum Negative Difference
The maximum negative difference is the largest difference which occurs, for any of the selected plan items, between the projected inventory and the inventory plan, in any period in which the projected inventory is lower than the inventory plan.

This field indicates how much the expected inventory level of any of the selected plan items drops below the desired inventory level, during any plan period (starting with the current one).

Used data

From the Item Master Plan (cprmp2101m000) session:

  • Projected Inventory
  • Inventory Plan
Number of Periods with Differences
The number of plan periods in which the projected inventory is not equal to the inventory plan.

LN expresses the number of plan periods in which the projected inventory is not equal to the inventory plan as an average value for all selected plan items.

Used data

From the Item Master Plan (cprmp2101m000) session:

  • Projected Inventory
  • Inventory Plan
Cash Flow
Incoming Cash Flow
The total value of the finished goods, expressed as a total amount for all plan periods and for all selected plan items.

Used data

For each plan item, the incoming cash flow is computed as follows:

From this session:

  • Customer Demand
  • Tot. Noncons. Fcast

From the Item Master Plan (cprmp2101m000) session:

  • Dep. Scheduled Dem.
  • Dep. Material Demand
  • Dependent Distribution Demand

From the Items - Sales (tdisa0501m000) session:

  • Tool Serial Number

From the Items - Costing (ticpr0107m000) session:

  • Material Costs
Outgoing Cash Flow
The total costs incurred in the production or purchase of the selected plan items, expressed as a total amount for all plan periods and for all selected plan items.

Used data

For each plan item, the outgoing cash flow is computed as follows: From the Plan Items - Performance Indicators (cprao2550m000) session:

  • Total Supply

From the Items - Costing (ticpr0107m000) session:

  • Material Costs
Work in Process
A figure which indicates the value involved in work in process (WIP), expressed as a total amount for all planned orders of a plan item, which is then averaged for all selected plan items.

For every planned order of a plan item, the value of work in process is computed as follows:


The number of order days is equal to the number of days between (and including) the start date and the finish date.

Used data

From the Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000) session:

  • Planned Start Date
  • Planned Finish Date
  • Order Quantity

From the Items - Costing (ticpr0107m000) session:

  • Material Costs
Cash Flow Balance
The cash-flow balance of the selected plan items, expressed as a total amount for all plan periods and for all selected plan items.

The cash-flow balance is computed as follows:


You can find the relevant data on the present tab.

Production and Material Costs
Total Material Costs
The total material costs of the selected plan items, expressed as a total amount for all plan periods.

For each plan item, the values of the following fields in the Item Master Plan (cprmp2101m000) session are added up:

  • Production Plan
  • Planned Prod. Orders
  • Sched Prod Receipts
  • Purchase Plan
  • Planned Purchase Orders
  • Scheduled Purchase
  • Plan. Distr. Orders
  • Sched Distr Receipts

The outcome is multiplied by the value of the Material Costs field in the Items - Costing (ticpr0107m000) session.

Production Costs (Resource)
The total production costs of a plan item, expressed as a total amount for all plan periods.

First, the values of the following fields in the Item Master Plan (cprmp2101m000) session are added up:

  • Production Plan
  • Planned Prod. Orders
  • Sched Prod Receipts

The outcome is then multiplied by the value of the Cost Price field in the Items - Costing (ticpr0107m000) session.


Compute Indicators
Starts the Find Performance Indicators (cprao2202s000) session.
Retrieve Indicators
Updates the content of the performance indicator fields, using the results of the most recent computation.